Mine was unplanned. We didn't know about her until 4 months into this pregnancy. I feel bad too so many people are trying to get pregnant or have had miscarriages. And here I am with a happy perfectly healthy baby girl who had late prenatal care. She was completely unplanned and in no way were we ready but now that she is here I wouldn't change a thing.
Mine wasn't planned at all...I'm 22 in college work full time as a CNA at an assisted living...I was told I wasn't supposed to have children because last summer I had a tumor rupture in my uterus that "supposedly" tore the lining of the uteran wall so if I got pregnant I would miscarry within the 1st week and wouldn't know it...but I feel bad cuz I found out a lil over a month ago that I'm pregnant and I am 17 weeks today and am having a lil boy God works in mysterious ways!!!
@seifer12211 my husband and I only planned our first son; our second and this one were both "surprises." Obviously we knew the risks, but both times there was ONE opportunity when no precaution was taken (is that tmi? I think it's hysterical, personally). This will be my third son and his fourth, and it will stretch our budget, too. Don't feel bad about it. Financially ready is usually not a reality--something can always happen to throw things off, so there's no guarantee. I was planning on starting my master's in May, but I have to push it back to January. We all make due. I can't think of a better reason to push my education back a bit.
We have 3 kids ages 3,4and 6. We tried last year to get pregnant and it didn't happen for us. So I decided to concentrate on losing weight lost 35 lbs and we gave away all our baby stuff deciding 3 was enough for us. Jan I had issues getting my birth control filled and so made an appt with my obgyn for feb 8 to get my bc and an annual. Feb 7 took a test. Cause I was 3 days late and boom! Pregnant! Hubby was not too happy but he's getting over it now . Can't wait to meet the newest and last addition to our family :-)
I'm 2 8 weeks pregnant and the lil miiracle in my tummy was unplanned me and hubby were fighting a lot and actually broken up when we conceived and I loved working and had to quit my job because my daughter was born 28 weeks exactly and they found out I have an incompetent cervix I've had to get a cerclage I've been going to the dr every week since the beginning I'm on strict bed rest I have to get progestrone suppositories but I wouldn't trade a thing I love this lil guy inside me it was just unexpected so I feel what ur trying to say
Aw, you shouldn't feel guilty if your baby is unplanned. Mine was very planned, I knew that I wanted a baby with my hubby before we got married. We pretty much started trying the first time we had sex. Anyway, babies are a blessing and all the people I've talked to say that they would never trade getting a degree, keeping a job, etc over their baby. I'm a little sad that I can't go to school for a bit since I'll be taking care of baby, but I sure don't miss homework!
Wow im in the exact same boat ur story is identical to mine only in due in october and have a 17 month old but im 22 married for 2 years and this baby was suvh a suprise antibiotics cancelled out my bc but I still dnt know how its nuts good luck hun
Both of mines was not planned I'm still in high school but grew up & dealed w/ it! & now happier then ever got the Greatest Bd/bf ever. He's doing everything he can to make sure we got our own place to come home too after the baby comes & maken sure college is paid for, for me but I got scholarships. Thank you lord Plus he's in college his last year gotta wonderdul job. I am blessed!
Unplanned here as well. My kids are 14 & 11...i was done a long time ago....for the past 9 years i was told by didderebt obgyns that i was infertile...( i was happy about that..) been with my boyfriend for almost 8 years....he has 3 kids... ages are 18...11 & 9 we really didnt need more kids anyways. I was activley searching for a jov cuz my unemployment was gonba run out.. . Then i found out i was preggo. Wtf? Me? No freaken way! Needless to say i cried for days . He was ok with it but not happy.... i found out when i was 7 weeks im now 15 and he has stepped up completely. We areFINALLY moving in together.... and im now happy about this baby..... it was a blessing in disguise.. . A miracle i believe... im so happy now.... still worried aboit finances.... but God will provide ..
@kkscrzr1 awe congrats to you and best wishes
@blessed1508 thank u
@krazymomofadrian congrats and bet shes beautful
@ourlilmiracle & @ mommy2be congrats to u as well
Thank u all
Congrats to everyone on their pregnancies