ditched again for alcohol..(venting...)

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
My bf just started his new job today, which is super exciting considering hes been laid off for a bit. I dont support drinking (especially with him since he is easily influenced and cant control his alcohol) and he hasnt drank in a while cuz he knows it bothers me, but i agreed to meet up with him after work so he could have a drink or two to celebrate, was just sposed to be us. When i called him he was already at a bar (not the one we agreed on..) with his friends. I was already pissed. But i went, and found out he was already drunk when i got there. He agreed earlier that he would have a few and we could go home when i felt like. Well here i am sitting in bed alone b.c. he ditched me to get wasted. Im so sick of putting up with that crap.. he knows damn well how i feel about it i cant stand how men can be so inconsiderate. It wouldnt have ben a big deal, until he started telling me i was whining too much about going home after i sat there and watched him drink for three hours. Well no shit i wanna go home... all i can think about is how i want to get back at him for all the times hes done this to me..(well for one thing, i locked him out.. tehe) so much for being in this together... am i over reacting? Im just fed up with this shit.


  • Hmm. I dont think your over reacting. I am the opposite though lol. I always let my bf have friends over to drink and hang out. He usually goes to the bars after work at 6am and as long as he calls I dont mind, but thats just me
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  • Not here they open specifically for third shift workers
  • You should go to your parents house next time he does this! And pa
  • And pack somethings to make it seem like you left! Thats what I would do and turn my phone off also
  • You're not alone. I'm laying in bed alone right now as well. Every Friday and Saturday its like this. He says I overreact cuz its his families bar but it still makes me sad to know I'm sitting here gross and pregnant and I know more females than his family go in there. He comes home to me yeah but its still not fair that I'm sitting alone while he's getting drunk and doing lord knows what.
  • Why dont you go out with him?
  • Mines is off in LaLa land all day just thinking about when he'll be able to smoke a J again. He works now and isn't a piece of shit or nothing. But it pisses me off when he seems to only care about getting high when im sitting there stressing about every worry in the world and he is sitting there looking stupid staring at the wall. I swear I could f*%king kill him sometimes he makes me so mad. The past few days I've just been so fed up with talking and bitching at him about the same thing over & over again that I have just left it alone...ugh
  • It just pisses me off cuz he knows i cant stand it, and dont trust the ppl hes with. He just gets to a point where he doesnt care hes gona do what he wants. Its not fair that he can do whatever while im sitting home all the time. i give him the cold shoulder, took away sex lol, tried everything. I just dont know what to do to really make him stop doin this crap
  • i did go out with him a few times and everytime he tells me we will go home at a decent hour, and it never once ended up that way. he lies evey time
  • I would just take a separate car and leave himthere, go out with your gfs or something
  • I dont think your over reacting at all. I think sometimes women get treated this way because they let thier men do it. It takes two, so why should you have to go through everything by yourself? And i think if your finding yourself at home by yourself at night, theres something wrong with the picture. Pregnancy is tough, your body undergoes soo much it is unfair for him to do that to ya. As for me and my boyfriend, We know that we are in this together, so he doesnt do anything i cant do, such as drinking, pot, he smokes cigarettes though...but teach his ass a lesson, you and baby are so much more important than alcohol, so i would just give him a scare lol, and goodluck
  • I dont think your over reacting me and my bf use to hang out with our friends and drink every now and then but since i been pregnant he hasnt drank at all. I think you have every right to be upset he should respect you as his girlfriend and mother of his child
  • But remember that you still have a life and so does he. You should be able to go out and have fun and he should be able to have fun too. You can't expect him to want to sit at home all the time just cuz your prego. Dont mean to sound mean, not intended to be.
  • Yeah i def need to do something.. bitching isnt working.. he always has an excuse, like he hasnt gone out in a while and its not a big deal blah blah. How selfish, seriously, it IS a big deal to ME. He just doesnt get that...
  • Jazzi89.. i know wat u mean and thats prolly exactly how he feels. But he wouldnt apprecuate it if the shoes were turned, and even then i wouldnt ditch him to go out drinking. I guess thats really y im so mad cuz he did ditch our plans we had together and he lied about the plans too. He literally said he told me he would gome home early so i wouldnt get mad, he had no intention to.
  • Ya ditching plans made together would kinda erk me. I guess it takes alot to really bother me though. Why dont you have him invite his friends to the house or something
  • I guess id rather have that.. ill have to talk with him.. just seems like hes trying to get away from me or something. Lol. Ill have to wait until im done with the cold shoulder tho ;) i wish it wouldnt bother me..
  • I would try it. My bf has his buddies over a few times a week and I supply the beer, its fun to just hang ot. I was a huge drinker so it was kinda shitty at the beginning and awkward. I'm just really carefree I guess lol my bf can do as he pleases as well as me
  • I used to go out alot too, sometimes i think i get mad just cuz i cant have a drink when hes sittin there drinkin in front of me, maybe im jealous. Lol:) idk. Im kinda over it anyway, venting def took some of the stress away.
  • Lol ya I used to get irritated not being able to have a cold one but being able to chill was good enough. Playing drinking games is fun whether your drinking or not as well. Ranting is always good for you lol
  • I should try some of that non alcoholic beer. Maybe the taste is all i need!
  • Ugh yuck lol lemme know how it tastes, it just doesn't seem natural lol
  • Lol! Probly not the greatest.. but ill have to try it!
  • Good luck lol
  • Ugh! I know exactly how you feel my bd was the same way when I was pregnant with my 1st and I could not sleep for worrying while he was out. I feel your pain! He has calmed down a lot but he still has his moments. Hope it gets better for you! Lol on he lock out
  • I am home alone as well and my hubby is out drinking. As long as I know he is not with girls and comes home, I am good. It is when he pulls an all nighter that I flip....
  • Ya I'm the same way but I dont worry bout girls or anything
  • Ohh the all nighters, hes done that a few times. I love the excuses...
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