ditched again for alcohol..(venting...)



  • My hubby is usually pretty good when he drinks, but sometimes he'll drink a whole six pack in a night and go crazy. He's skinny so booze goes right to his head. When he's wasted, he wants to get high. Last time he pulled that shit, I almost left for the night. I don't need to be having a panic attack worrying about you when you do stupid shit. Luckily, he admitted that I'm right (as always ;) ) and I'm only letting him have a drink a week.
  • My bf probably drinks two to three beers daily and it doesn't really bug me. Weekends he doesn't really drink unless he goes after work at 6am. He used to smoke too. I personally like when he's drunk or on something as much as when he's sober
  • @newmom2be23 oh I know, the excuses are great! Ugg...
  • Yea I really try not to get mad when my bd goes it out but I can't help it.....I just get soooo mad!!!! I just hate being home alone....and then thinking about how girls could b coming up to him....and how they don't have a dd and now he has a son to think about....I mean seriously what if they got on an accident:(
  • I say bull shit to people saying you should go out with him and have fun too. Idk about you but when I'm pregnant I'm tired and I don't want to hang out at thestupid bar all night because he's the one obviously not mature enough to have a child! From experience if he isn't there for the whole pregnancy he wont be there when the child is born. My fiance quit everything when we found out WE were pregnant! Because that's the right thing to do! If you can't go out he shouldn't either. And he should be spending time with you and that unbending child! Because neither of you ar gonna be able to go out often once the baby arrives and GE should be more concerned with you and the baby than alcohol. Going out with his buddies is OK but not all the tine and not when he promises you one thing and does another! It is ridiculous thar he would do that to you and his child! Horrible.
  • I would much rather have my bf go out and have fun then be stuck at home with me when I'm tired and lazy. Thats just selfish to expect him or make him sit at home with you
  • Yup selfish is a good word for that
  • I have a problem with my partner going out partying regardless of if I'm pregnant or not, between us we have 3 kids and this baby will make 4. I don't think its necessary to drink to get drunk, you do those things before you have kids or at special occasions. My partner does things every few weeks like playing poker with him mates or going to watch a game, but drinking is either kept to a minimum or not at all. I don't want to be dealing with a drunk person especially while I'm pregnant
  • Well my bf is mature and doesn't get plastered and as long as he's happy and having fun I'm happy. And he's young and has the right to live a little
  • My his and us usually quite good but as soon as his friends are off work the same time all he wants to do is get drunk and have bbqs at our house. I'm hiding out in the bedroom at the moment cause 4 of his friends stayed over and are passed out all over the house. One of them was sick on the floor in the spare room last night and I got woken up by one of them shouting about how he couldn't use the tv. My husband was unconscious so I had to go sort it out. It's getting beyond a joke and if I say anything I get told I'm ruining all their fun. Bas@*?ds!
  • I don’t go w/my husband to the bar anymore ..well since I've been prego..for that reason him big drunk..and me sitting there..its a problem when he doesn't call or txt.and its a problem if it becomes a every other day thing.
    im big on no contact ..if he doesn't text or call that's when I get pissed..
  • I know i hate the no contact thing, especially when i know hes ignoring my calls.. that obviously gives me reason not to trust him when hes out.
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