
edited April 2011 in Pregnant
okay so yesterday I posted about him my hubby had cheated and y'all gave some great advice so today here comes some more..
today the girl that he slept with messages me on facebook and tells me she is thinking about me and she hopes God is blessing me.. wtf?! I wanna kill this homewrecker and she wants to send me a message that sets her up for me to chew her out. because up untilled now I haven't said a word to her except leave my family alone..that's it.
I have mixed feelings.. should I send her a message that will more than likely be hateful or delete and ignore her..
sorry its so long LOL


  • Delete and ignore. Nothing good will come of responding.
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  • Yes delete and ignore. Then fantasize about killing the little whore for therapy. This way you aren't being goaded into her crap, taking the higher road, but doing a little recovery too. Like window shopping, don't have to do anything, but it helps to think about it :)
  • Delete and ignore. Be stronger than her, it will drive her nuts if you don't respond.
  • I say get it out! Then quickly delete n ignore lol....or I guess u cud b more mature about it....
  • Ignore her hun. Nothing good can come out of talking shit. Besides that's probably what she is looking for, if you ignore her it will probably piss her off.
  • My advice is to delete.........but......if it were me is probably tell her to do 1 lol. I'm a little firey like that ....x go with your gut instinct x
  • Delete and ignore. She might just be trying to get a raise out of you.
  • If u feel like u need to say something, take the high road and be mature, short and simple. Just get ur point across, and thats it. Like someone said above, dont sound desperate. If it were me i couldnt just delete and let go. But u just have to be careful what u say..
  • Yes dear delete it don't give that chic the satisfaction of getting you upset. Stay sweet xoxo.
  • Ignore her n delete she's not worth your time.
  • you think so?! so should i block her on Facebook?! cause now I get this feeling she is creeping on me..
  • I would she sounds like a creeper
  • I would say "thank you. I hope that God blesses you with mercy bc not only did you make a mockery out of my family....but you made a mockery of him by helping my husband step and spit all over his vows and promise to God. Now good day, and please don't contact me again."

    But I'm a little too tempermental to just ignore....listen to the other ladies. Lol
  • edited April 2011
    @newmommy_navywife I like your style.
    But I'd just get in trouble :) voices of reason are out today!!@ TG
  • edited April 2011
    @jellybelly1015 yah I wouldnt let that tramp think I'm scared....lol but then again I'm a woman who carries a blade so I might not be the best to take advice from. Lol
  • Haha.. @newmommy_navywifes idea is good. :)

    She might be creepin. Seeing if you post stuff on fb about ur problems.(a chick I know ALWAYS post crap on fb)
  • @leggs2011 yah I don't play that....i hate when other women have to go through this. I feel marriage should be where these disrespectful loose women draw the line, like come on this is "sealed" by God!

    @mrs_wainright look, keep your head up and try your hardest to keep your family. Don't let this woman discourage you. And if you ever need back up send me a message bc if you close to sc I got your back.
  • She's creepin. Its human nature lol. I would write exactly what newmommy_navywife wrote. For real then block her!
  • she freaks me out.
  • Ignore. If she continues trying to contact you, I would threaten a restraining order. She sounds like a nut job. Be careful mama!!
  • Delete and ignore.. although what she did was horribly horribly wrong, Your husband broke his vows to you, not her. Stay classy and karma will get her back..
  • Block the homewrecker! I did that to a girl that acted like my friend and was trying to get with my husband.
  • UGh! Seems like she is being a b. But trying to look good to your husband. That way if u yell @ her she can whine to him. How's things going between you two now? I had to deal with my ex's affair it was something on maury!
  • If u post anything to her tell her ....I think you need God in your life more than I do. Then block the b?tch!!
  • U should just say thank u. May he bless u too. She will get hers in the end. She wants a reaction out of u. Don't give in. Its so hard to bite your tonuge. But it's better for u.
  • If it were me I would prolly tell her offbut w sarcasm then delete n ignore/block id save the message she sent u for future referrnce incase u need a restraining order in the future bc that would b like harrasment I think? But I think id feel some satisfaction telling her off before I deleted her otherwise id prolly keep regretting that I didnt give her a piece of mind before deleting the whore but thats just me lol
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  • edited April 2011
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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