


  • I'm not religious, but I am married and I think its a downright disgusting thing for her to say God bless to you. Delete and ignore! Make your profile private so that skank can't look at your stuff too. Have your hubby make his private for good measure.
  • Don't give in to her games ignore, delete, block.
  • I would say..."I appreciate your concern however I do not need any blessing or prayers from you. Instead use them on yourself... you broke so many commandments its un believable... may you find god...
  • Yes I would block her on Facebook or else she can continue to send you a message whenever she may feel like it in the future. So imagine months down the road, everythings been better for u and then she sends you another belittling comment and ruins ur day. Blocking her will prevent all that:)
  • I would say, thank you for asking god to watch over me. But I can do that myself. Then delete and ignore her. Woman can be so petty at tines, and just want to hurt people.
  • thank you do much guys!! I have read everything y'all have said to me.. some made me laugh and some made me think LOL and as much as I wanna say somethingbto her I agree I should ignore her..haha although y'alls suggestions are priceless (:
    hubby seems to think y'all are right and is trying to irritate me and that it is inappropriate. he doesn't want me to stress over it anymore cause ' she isn't worth it '
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