I have a 1yo pitbull named hemi and she's my life.. thee most sweetest, loving funniest dog I've ever owned. Its sooo sad and stupid her breed gets hated on so much.. she snuggles with me and my belly every morning and when she plays with her toys (her favorite is her stuffed duckie) she loved nibbles it instead of ripping it to shreads.. she'll love nibble it all day. Such a funny dog!
@one5one thank you for posting that! I am very big on adopting animals vs. Breeders. And spray and neutering. That another thing my grandma does. Is breed her little dogs for 4-5 hundred a piece. And its only about the $$ to her, I hate it
@krissmiss awlll My other dog is a pit/boxer mix that is brindle, I found almost 2 yrs ago. Everyone was so skeptical of taking him in and I had to keep reassuring my family that he would be fine and I would train him. Fast forward to today and now my same family has pretty much taken full ownership of him because I can't have him where I stay lol They love him to death just as I do...and take him to the dog park and dog beach everyday. He is a beast (huge) but is just a lovable puppy. I love him to death and was so happy to be given the opportunity to show others that the pit breed being bad is a crock of shit. But I wont lie its amusing when I talk him for a walk outside and people are afraid of him just cause how he looks and his breed lol
I have an adopted stray and want to give her back! Treating a pet like their a human is a mistake i had to learn the hard way. She trys to bully my kids and our older pug.. She wont even let our other dog eat or near the water bowl. She thought she owned my room and the couch and when the dog or my KIDS entered the room or got near the couch she would growl and snap at them. When we put her in obedience classes and kept her out of my room (where the baby will be sleeping) she became worse and now will try and ONLY go potty in my kids room.. And has become destructive with everything. Some animals are put into shelters for a reason and I refuse to get another animal unless they are puppies and I know the background on her/him. We're in the process of building a house and we're getting an Akita.. These dogs have to be raised up with you and your kids.
@InLovee I hope gramma is at least properly taking care of the dogs. @luvbump there are places that if u adopt & it don't work out they take you animal.back. w a refund.
Some rescues can be difficult. My dog too 6 years to mellow out, and I think most of her problem was the overly dominate dog we also had at my parents' house. I moved out, got a new companion for her and she's a new dog.
My parents' other dog is a chocolate lab we rescued when he was 2 and he is the most amazing dog in the world. So patient, so sweet. The only problem is that he will eat everything. I've seen this dog snatch an apple from a girl's hand (she'd been teasing him with it and we warned her not to! Soon as she was distracted...) he ate it core and all.
I am all about rescuing. I'll never get a dog from a pet store for fear of puppy mills. Bit I'm not afraid to ask questions and interview the people about the dog. And I look at the health records. You have to research the organization, too. Some places are so desperate they focus on quantity over quality. Look online for reviewers.
@one5one ehhhh She does to a point, but my little cousins that live here torture them...shake them hardly, choke them and so forth. Then whenever one of use scoldes them their mother flips out on us but then expects the dogs to "know better" than to snap or growl at her kids. All the dogs that my grandma keeps in the house are very afraid of everyone, its sad. Then she has three other little dogs that she just keeps in a dog fence kennel thingy everyday. They have room to run and walk and all but in my opinion..whats the point of having a animal especially a dog because they want so much attention if your never going to give that to them? But I guess she just keeps those ones for breeding purposes so they are not much to her but how she makes her money.
We love our little Pushkin so much! We boarded him last week while we were away on vacation and we had some of our friends stop by to visit him a few times. He had a great time!
Oh... I forgot the part where my dogs are our children. I adore them. The hound is a big cuddler. I love it because my man is an early riser, but I sleep in. And so does my Poopy. So he hops into bed with me after my man gets up and stretches out against me with his head on a pillow and everything.
Angel is a strange one. She doesn't like to cuddle often except since I've been pregnant. But she is always watching, always on the lookout for trouble. If my man tickles me and I yelp, she sits up and groans (not quite a growl) at him. I tell her to shush and lay back down. I've said a few times that I'm nervous about how she will react to our new boy. Hopefully she will adore him and become his guardian protector. If not... well... I don't wanna think about that.
@InLovee I know its gramma but have u thought of calling animal services on her? You can do it anonymously. These poor animals need better lives. The services will pick them upif they have to & have a vet look at them & adopt them out. Also they'll probably help gramm take care of them b4 they decide to take them. I know its scary but I had to do the same on a neighbor. She had 1 elderly dog. They rather give it hotdogs then foodidnthey didn't wanna go 2 the store. I called because the dog was ripping her fur out & her skin was red & bloody. I offered advice & help. They did nothing & said it was allergies to flea bites. My dog gets that too. But I catch it before she gets bad by flea bathing her & using drops. I took het to the vet & that's how I found out wat it was & it hasn't happened since. I called the people on them & the neighbors surrendered the dog. I'm sure its happy now that its not getting neglected.
@InLovee - awhh I'm glad you got to experience the beauty they actually bring into our lives! I work in a veterinary hospital that also helps/works with Fresno Bully Rescue which rescues bully breeds from all different backgrounds and their stories would break your heart yet even coming from such a horrible past and them still being absolutely loving is amazing. In my job, I've never been threatened, bitten, growled at, challenged by pits or any other bully breeds... mostly min pins, chihuahuas, shih tzus, etc. (Small breeds) I stopped counting how many times those little things have drawn blood on me lol
@luvbump there are places that if u adopt & it don't work out they take you animal.back. w a refund.
My parents' other dog is a chocolate lab we rescued when he was 2 and he is the most amazing dog in the world. So patient, so sweet. The only problem is that he will eat everything. I've seen this dog snatch an apple from a girl's hand (she'd been teasing him with it and we warned her not to! Soon as she was distracted...) he ate it core and all.
I am all about rescuing. I'll never get a dog from a pet store for fear of puppy mills. Bit I'm not afraid to ask questions and interview the people about the dog. And I look at the health records. You have to research the organization, too. Some places are so desperate they focus on quantity over quality. Look online for reviewers.
Angel is a strange one. She doesn't like to cuddle often except since I've been pregnant. But she is always watching, always on the lookout for trouble. If my man tickles me and I yelp, she sits up and groans (not quite a growl) at him. I tell her to shush and lay back down. I've said a few times that I'm nervous about how she will react to our new boy. Hopefully she will adore him and become his guardian protector. If not... well... I don't wanna think about that.