How much weight have you gained??



  • Hmmm did I see that??
  • I think I need sleep!!
  • I have lost 9lbs and i am 11 +3. I am overweight, and i tend to loss weight throughout my pregnancy. I have lost up to 50 lbs, and still had 8+lb bby. My doctor doesn't really say a whole lot now bc this is #4 and is normal for me, i just wish i could keep it off afterwards.
  • Im 25wks and haven't gained anything.I did lose and now im back at weight I started last I only Gaines 20lbs and he was dr said its ok to not gain any bc im already over trying so hard :-ss
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  • 18 weeks and I've gained 10 lbs. I think you are on track.
  • I'm 18weeks & I've gained 5 ~ 7 lbs. It fluctuates every time I get on the scale.
  • 18 weeks and lost 2lbs
  • 32 weeks and I've gained 15lbs. No stretch marks!

  • i'm 19 weeks and 4 days and i had my dr appt on wed i've gained friggin gained 21 lbs already can't really tell just my boobs and belly nothing to worry about just means our baby's our healthy i swear my baby is having a party in my belly can't wait almost half way there <3
  • native pride thats how i was with my second baby.. but i did gain it all like a pound a week.. lol
  • Im 21 wks 2moro and ive gained about 25 lbs!!! I dont look like it or feel it..Im all belly and boobs!! Scares me tho cuz with my first i gained a total of 25, and now i still have 4 months to go! Oh well, as long as we're healthy! :)
  • I gained 35lbs thru out preg its been 8 days since ive delivered & ive lost 19lbs im ready to get back to my pre preggo weight im starting my exercise this wk coming up
  • My first I gained about 90 lbs(yikes!) Second 35, third 11, and currently 16 weeks with my 4th 2 lbs :)
  • it all depends on your body type. The heavier you are the less you should gain. I'm about 120 & was told I should gain I think 25-35.
  • I don't wanna know...
  • 22w3d gained 5 Ibs
  • edited April 2011
    I'm 17 weeks and one day. I've gained 1lb (started at 115 and now 116).
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