How much weight have you gained??

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
Hey guys, I'm 21 weeks and I've gained almost 15 lbs! I'm worried I'm gaining to much, how much have you gained?


  • 24 weeks and last time I was weighed I gained 10lbs my first I had gained a ton 60lbs the whole time
  • I had a apt at my 23wk check up and I have gained 15lbs
  • I'm 35 weeks and I've gained 8-9 lbs, it keeps fluctuating. They put me on a restricted carb diet though because of gestayional diabetes.
  • I'm 24 weeks on Wednesday and I lost 13 lbs and gained back 4
  • Im 29 weeks and I won't look at the number on the scale. I refuse to let that number get to me! I know my baby is healthy and so am I. I don't feel or look like I gained a I'll be damned if the nurse makes me feel bad about it!! :D
  • Hmm maybe I need to lay off the sweets. Thanks for the input guys! :)
  • Im 17 weeks and Ive gained 8-9lbs.
  • I'm 24 weeks and I've gained 24 pounds. My doctor also said she wanted me to gain 35 to 40 though. Guess I'm on my way:)
  • I gained almost 40lb started wit 105 n I was 142 last week
  • Im 35 weeks and gained 8lbs.But I feel like I gained 100. I was overweight when I got pregnant.
  • I'm 16wks and haven't gained any weight
  • Your crazy if you think youve gained to much ive noticed people on here really havnt gained as much wieght as they should.. you should gain 25-40 pounds throughout your whole pregnancy ill be 37 weeks tomorro and ive gained 32 pounds.. you hav to remember that towards the end your only gonna gain about a pound a week so keep on eating :)
  • I'm 20 weeks and have only gained 4 pounds. I also had the flu in the 2nd month
  • I'm happy about my weight gain:) I didn't think I was going to be able to because at 13 weeks they were yelling at me for "not being up to par" on my weight. In your face ob drs:D
  • 36 wks and 29 lbs so far
  • 1kilo p/w from 20 weeks 1kg=2.2lb
  • @lentoswifey don't worry i've been losinf weight too everybody is like you are sooo skinny it makes me feel bad but i eat right just no weight gain yet.
  • Almost 17 weeks and have gain about 2 pounds
  • I'll b 35wks tomorrow I gained about 30lbs I'll find out for sure on tues... I refuse to get on the home bcuz its all lies I tell u LIES ;-) with my first I gained 40lbs
  • *home scale
  • Eeek! 10 weeks And 7 lbs! I better watch it.....
  • 19 weeks and gained 3 lbs
  • 50lbs w my first. Now I'm 16 weeks. Lost 4 gained that + 3.
  • I gained 80lbs with my first.
    im 34 weeks tomorrow and I've gained 6.5lbs
  • Im almost 22 weeks and I've gained 15 lbs. I'm hoping for no more then 10 more lbs but I started out underweight so I guess I'll cross my fingers for no more then 30. Its harder to lose the older you get and I'm 37 last baby I was 28 and it didn't come off as fast as my first two babies
  • 16 wks & gained 8 lbs in these last 3 wks. I had to gain it tho cuz I was exactly 8lbs UNDERweight when I got pregnant. @ my 12 wk check up I was still 92lbs & my doc said I HAD to gain weight so I was on a mission for my 16 wk checkup & it worked!
  • I gained 40 pounds throughout my whole pregnancy. Tuesday will he four weeks since I gave birth and I've lost 24 pounds so far.

    I feel like its taking forever. And not being able to wear my pants still kind of makes me upset. It's just coming off slowly though.
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  • @oc86 I had the same issue. I was underweight when I found out I was preggo (103 pds) and at my 12 week/13 week check up I was getting the "weight gain" talk:) now they're overly excited that I've gained the weight that I have and her goal for me is no less than 40.
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