still no sign of af :)



  • @jessL
    Aww aha really.
    Wow that gives me hope.
    Its sorta discouraging when you've missed your period & still have a bfn. So I'm hoping it doesnt end that way this time.
  • Well dont get discouraged!! I had tests that gave me false negatives! I wasted alot of money!! First response was the only one to work well for me!!
  • Oh and also my af was supposed to start on the 9th and I didn't get a positive until the 12th!!! :/ I was a mes lol!
  • Well at 11:51, my af showed up. Wth!
  • @jessL.
    Oh yeah I went through that before.
    Ha really, I'm nervous I tested negative this morning as I predicted and yet still NO sign of bleeding ; just mild cramps & fatigue. Did you have implantation bleeding at all? & when do you think I should retest I was going to wait 10days.

    Ohmygoodness, are you kidding me.
    I wonder what the spotting was earlier then.
    why does she have to play these evil games with us!
    Urrg, I'm so sorry honey. This shouldn't discourage you though. There's always next month. Just keep taking care of yourself. (:
  • @cantwait2bamommy im so sorry but like hopefulmommytobe said, there is always next month. Don't get discouraged. It will happen! There's a tip I learned from my doctor to not get up for 20 minutes after sex, it helps the sperm get up their easier. Best of luck!!! Prayers for you!
  • @hopefulmommytobe you should wait 4 days and test again if no sign of AF. Best of luck to you as well!! Prayers!!
  • @cantwait2bamommy so sorry that happened to me last month I actually went 2 days past normal cycle...was so excited then got a negative and af came :( praying for a different outcome this month ;)
  • Good luck ladies!!! Guess it was just not my month!
  • When are you testing hopefulmommytobe?
  • @kaylees mommy.
    Thank you, I most likely will because I'm still having cramps and I just basically slept all day lol something's got to be up.

    I'm probably going to test in a couple days if af still doesn't show up. I real hope I have implantation bleeding soon its easier to tell when to test for me. Uggh! & your time will come. Just don't stop doing what your doing :)

    Yep that's exactly how I felt, but you can't be negative. Think good thoughts & don't stress yourself about it. & remember if it does come back negative you can be ok with that too & just keep trying. You have to be accepting to whatever the outcome. I'm wishing you luck dollface :] - let me know how it goes.
  • @hopefulmommytobe best of luck to you! That's exactly how I felt right before I found out I was pregnant.
  • @kayleesmommy.
    Wow, great! Im glad I can relate to you.
    Thank you sooo much (:
  • @twin_angels.
    Your welcome.
    I can't wait to find out, ya gotta let me know lol I'm just as excited as you are.
    -thankss so much. Love sent your way!
  • Sometimes you don't see implantation spotting I didn't when I found out I was pregnant. It's best to check with your doc
  • Best of luck to all
  • I cramped really bad after my missed if cramping starts it doesn't mean af is coming automatically
  • @asmommy11.
    Yes & I'm going to try & do this today.
    I'm not ruling out the chance of pregnancy yet because Im not spotting even though it happened the first time.

    So true, I was cramping bad today not hysterically bad but for a moment I did.
    & i thought my period came, But when I went to check tmi but it was nothing but thick white milky discharge something that I heard to be common in early pregnancy.
  • 13 days late &wondering if i sould take a test or not :/
  • @wishing_to_be.
    Yes you should definitely test already.
    you haven't tested at all?
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