BM/BD Age Differences

edited April 2011 in Parenting
How far apart in age are you and your BD? Do you think it will impact your parenting perspectives? Me and my BD are 20yrs apart. Im 20 and he's 40. Im worried we may have different ideas of good parenting.


  • Me and my husband arent far at all.. just 2.5 years...him being older..
  • I'm 17 & He's 25. We See Everything The Same? (;
  • Do you think its weird when you see couples who are far apart in age?
  • I'm 21 and he is 19...he will be 20 this year so its like 1.5 years but we have kinda close to the same veiws on parenting...we both are making some compromises
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  • This is my BD's first baby and my 2nd. He's not exactly baby smart.
  • Its my 3rd baby but my bds 2nd...his ex never listened to anything he said as far as raising his daughter and to me I feel like we should take advice from the mothers (which she never did) but have our own style of parenting that we both agree with...
  • He's 9 years older than me, and i'm sure everyone thinks he's my dad. Haha, but I look really young. But most guys my age (i'll be 23 the 6th of may) are so f'n stupid I can't be around them without wanting to strangle them..
  • I'm 23 he's 25...close in age and we haven't come across any parenting issue we disagree on. This will be our first baby for both of us! :)
  • He is 11 years older than me but we have similar views on everything which is great :-)
  • Im 31 and hes 43....his parenting ways suck. We both have 11 yr old daughters....mine is independent. Cooks...cleans...does her homework without being asked....sets her alarm and geta herself ready for school in the morning.... his wont even serve herself a bowl of cereal... has already been held back a grade... cant evem take a showet w/o daddy turning on the water...its sad and annoying. This baby will be raised my way. Obviously its worked...(i also have 14 year old planning on taking college courses this summer...) yeah my way!
  • There are 7 years between me & my boyfriend. I'm 31, due July 2nd with my first baby, but third time pregnant due to miscarriages. He's 38 & raised his ex-wife's daughter from the age of 3, & also has a 12 year old son with her. I think our parenting styles will mesh for the most part, but I want to instill a love of learning, reading, writing, art, & culture in our daughter that he never really bothered with his kids. They both love music & have learned instruments, which is wonderful, but they have poor attitudes about their education, learning, reading books, etc. It shows in their grades, though we only get to see his son every other weekend, & Aubrey is 18 now. His ex-wife won't take the time to help their boy with his homework, but thinks it's fine to let him play video games for 12 straight hours so she can date guys she meets off the Internet. And she's 14 years older than me, but acts like she's a teenager mentally. Smh...
  • Im 35 & my bd is 24 !!!! We are really compatable and agree on most things.I look young for my age too.People double take when they hear my kids 13,12,&11 ,call us mom and dad. We have been together for 3 1/2years.
  • He is 4 months older than me....we both believe in the more traditional parenting skills. It worked very well for us and our siblings.
  • were the same age. He is 16 days younger than me haha
  • I'm 21 and he's 26, both of us are very stubborn so I don't know how parenting is going to work between us.
  • I'm 25 and he's 30 going on 31 this year.
  • I'm 22 my fiance is 26 I am kinda scared of the same thing we both grew up very differently
  • I'm 25 and he's 29. I think it will be different only because we was raised differently.
  • My bd is 20 and I'm 19 but he is only 4 months older than me but he acts like he's 6 years younger xc we have very different but similar ideas of parenting... but I'm sure everything will work out just fine :)
  • I'm 15 && He's 22
    Were just 7 years apart.
    But We Think The Same Way In Parenting .
  • 5 years. I love him so much!
  • 8 1/2 Years I'm 23 & hes 32. I love the age gap it's amazing! Our views on parenting are slightly diff. But I know we will find a compromise!
  • 27 me 42 him 15 years and that's y I don't wanna b with him he acts like an old school old man....we totally have different parenting ideas and he has a daughter 6 years younger than me he initially lied about his age
  • I robbed the cradle at 7 months older than hubby lol
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  • @luvbump my hubby and I r the same way. We went out to eat w my mom one night just before we got married at the place we were having the reception...talking wedding talk. Our waitress looked at my mom and hubby and congratulated them! My mom looked at her and kindly informed her that she was the mom/mil lol. He and I r 9 yrs apart...they r 16 yrs apart. I get my "young looks" from her.
    We just had our 3rd yesterday...1st girl. I think she will b the one area that we will have disagreements on how to raise her...the boys we generally agree/compromise no prob. We've both been really relaxed w parenting from the start...go w the flow and follow our guts (we still appreciate advice from can but in the end agree that some ppl-our sil-r just too "by the book")
    He has already said things that bug me bout what the boys can do but she can't bc she is a girl so she has to b raised diff...
  • I'm 24 and he's 30. We work really well together but he's more laid back so we'll see! :)
  • Hmm I'm older than my bf...he's 24 will be 25 next month and I'm
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