what will ur baby call their grandparents

We're only ttc & in the 2ww but I love hearing what families call their grandparents. Family name? From your nationality? Nickname? Please share!


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  • My mom is mimi and dad is papaw (but she says babaw) my MIL is nana and FIL I guess is Pa or Da (he's in Ghana and she's never seen him so it hasn't really come up)
  • on my husbands side.
    his dad is- pawpaw
    his mom is - grandma

    my side.
    my mom- granny :) (just cause thats what im going to teach them)
    my dad- grandpa.

    i personally call my grandparents gramammy and grapappy :)
  • edited April 2011
    My mother wants to be called GG(gigi) bc she is a gorgeous grandma. My daddy will be called poppa. We are black and filipino.

    My husbands mom will just be called grandma. They are african american
  • My kids call my parents Grandpa and Gigi (which I have been told means grandma in japanese but whether it does or not we like it). I called my grandparents Mimi and Pops.
  • Vovo and avo. My parents.
  • My son calls my parents "Meemaw" and "Peepaw". Don't know where he got it from, but he's been calling them that since he could talk!
  • My son calls my mom MiMi...and his grandfathers are all pap pap...my fiances mom is mamaw and my grammas is ja-mamaw lol
  • My parents are "bamba" my nephew couldn't say grandma and my mom doesn't wanna go by grandma. Some how my dad got the name "papa crazy" not sure how Haha. My in laws well to be honest I don't care Haha.
  • My daughter calls my dad Tata, my mom Abuela, My stepmom Nana, my Mother in Law Grandma, and Father in Law Papi
  • edited April 2011
    Grandmom and Grand-dad / Grandmom and possibly Dr. Corbett. (My Dad doesn't want to be called anything that will make him feel old...whatever!)
  • Ima have my princess call my mom mami n her dads mom grandma my dad passed away n my b.d dad too so we jus got our moms
  • My kids have momoms, a memom, poppies, papal, and a giggy
  • My son calls my mom grandma my dad grandpa bob my grandparents papa and grandma d. Boyfriends parents papa jack grandma Linda and papa arnie
  • We are Italian...
    My in-laws go by Nonna (grandma) and Nonno (grandpa). My parents go by Nonna and Babbo ( grandpa in the dialect of the town my Dad is from).
  • My parents are Grandma (she sometimes calls herself Grandma J) & Papa. In-laws are Abuela y Abuelo (they live in Mexico)
  • My son calls my mom (mamá). My dad. Grandpa.
  • My daughter calls my mom and stepdad Bama and Poppaw. She calls my bf's mom Abué, a Spanish shortening of Abuela, or grandmother. Bama rhymes with Grandma. Lol my daughter couldn't say Grandma when she was younger.
  • My son calls my mom gram gram and my step dad aba and my mil mimi...so my daughter will be doing the same..
    But he calls my my sisters anuty and my step sisters tia..
  • I am the grandma...:) I am Grammy and my hubby is pawpaw. His other grandparents are meme and grandpa. My parents (great grand) are granddaddy and Nan. My hubbys are Obasan (she is Japanese) and not sure for his dad.. his dad's side, he doesn't have greats on one side, the others want to be just grandma and grandpa.
  • I called my grandma grandme & i call my grandfather grandaddy & my fiance calls his grandma ma ma & grandfather papa now both of our fathers are jerks so idk if the baby will be dealing with any grandfathers but my mom wants to be called grandme like we did my grandma now that shes deceased (hasnt been a yr yet & her dying wish was to have a great grand.... sorry i couldnt give it to her that fast) & my fiances mom will be mema :D
  • My older once call them oma and opa. It's german for grandma and grandpa. They try to teach them different but mommy and daddy will is stronger so this one will calling them the same.
  • edited April 2011
    My Mom-YahYah
    His Mom-I'm not sure
    My Dad-He's deceased
    His Dad-Is in jail so she won't meet him

    My son/nephews calls my mom YahYah so I'm sure my baby girl will do the same.
  • My son has a mamaw, dodad, pop pop, grandma, & grandpa...dodad he came up with when he could hardly talk & it stuck he's 9 now. This one will call them all the same

  • My mom is nanu, my dad is dadoo (dadoo is from a nimaniacs-a wb cartoon I use to love). My husbands parents r grandma and papa. My grandma (she lives in the same town and we c her lots so she got a nickname!) is ggma (great grandma-I started calling her gma shortly before my son came)
    My mil was elmo for a while via my niece-she couldn't say grandma...it came out elmo...it was so cute! This is the same kid that says "noy" for crayons-love kids
  • My grandpa was bumpa when I was lil
  • My mom is called Grams and dad is Pa Pa.
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  • My dad is grandpa
    And great grandad.

    Bd's mom is grandma dad is papa

    Great grandparents are Grammy, Nana, tata, and not sure for the other great grandpa yet.
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