Yes, I'm pretty sure you can. I think you could still have pregnancy symptoms until your hcg returns to less than 5. Is this confirmed or are you suspicious?
I had a check up some weeks ago ... Waiting on my insurance to kik in cause of no money n I feel like I can hear a heart beat but not sure. I still get all the sickness tho
I still had morning sickness after my sons heart stopped. But I turned grey one day. I've seen other women who've miscarried and their skin turned grey too.
Yeah, cuz with missed miscarriages your body might not know anything is wrong so your hgc levels will slowly go out and morning sickness is duw to your hgc so yeah
You can go to the ER and when you get your insurance write that info on,the bill, insurance should cover 3 to 6 months before you were covered. Good luck
Im sorry that you are feeling this must be scary to be in your situation. How far a long are you? A urine pregnancy test will remain positive until your hcg levels fall below the number that the pregnancy test screens for. Blood Hcg levels will show s drop in hcg level, but a normal decline does occur around week 13. The only way to no for sure is with an ultrasound. A doppler may or may not puck up a heart beat, but it is never a good way to know for sure...ultrasound is the best way to go. Maybe call ur OB and see if they could give u s discount in one it if they know of anywhere that will do them at little to no cost. Best of luck!
Thank you guys ... Well the er it is I'm going in as soon as my husband gets home i didnt know the insurance would cover 3-6 mths but I'm so scared never lost a bby n if this is the case I will b devastated
11 wks but just found out at 8 wks the Dr said she didn't know if a miscarriage was occurring since there was no blood only cramps n pain:/ so she send me home but stayed with a ugly though" what if the bbys heart stops n I dnt know":(
Waiting on my insurance to kik in cause of no money n I feel like I can hear a heart beat but not sure. I still get all the sickness tho
Well the er it is I'm going in as soon as my husband gets home i didnt know the insurance would cover 3-6 mths but I'm so scared
Were can u rent them?
Thank you
How far are you?
thank you I'm definitely look in to it