my dr is..

My dr is making me wait till I'm 22 weeks to have my 2nd tri ultrasound, instead of doing it at 20 weeks. Did anyone else have to wait? Im 18 weeks and waiting another month seems crazy. I wanna know what my babys gender is already!


  • My Dr won't do it til 22-24 weeks. I'm only 12 so I have a long wait :(
  • Mine did. Maybe try 3d one
  • I wont even have my very first ultrasound till im almost 20 weeks. Dumb I think, but that my practice's procdures.
  • Another 12 weeks ahhh id go crazy. 4 weeks sounds too long for me!
  • @TandTsbb your first one isn't till 20 weeks? Ive already had two. How far along are you now?
  • Yes! I found out this week at my 16 wk appt that I have to wait until 22 to 24 weeks. I am gonna go crazy waiting!
  • i'm 16 weeks today...It makes me so mad, Ive even called different places. My aunt is due 2 days before me, and has her first u/s next friday and we have the same doc. I called and all the nures say "well you won't be far enough along, we'll wait...." WTF! I'm 2 flippen days after my aunt, how is she far enough along and not me? Ugh the other places I call say, "well we won't do an u/s unless needed or unless you feel something is wrong". Well my friend who is 21 weeks goes to that one and shes had 2 u/s. I just feel like im getting the shaft...
  • @littlelaydee im kinda happy my dr didn't tell me until today. He told me before he'd order it between 18-22 weeks so I was expecting him to do it in the middle. Nope he's waiting till the end.
  • my doc doesn't do it until 20 or ten wks from your first u/s. so lucky me I waited too long to make my first appt so I am having to wait until 22 wks. 6 more days though. yay lol
  • @firsttimemommy143 I was disappointed at first then I thought about how much more accurate it will be then :)
  • @TandTsbb that's ridiculous I would be absolutely upset! I had bleeding so they did my first one at 5 weeks and then at 8 weeks they did another to make sure there wasn't twins. But I don't wanna wait 4 weeks for my next one! Ugh!
  • @littlelaydee I know what you mean. That's what my dr told me too. He said he promises it'll be worth it.
  • @blessed1805 awe well at least no more waiting!
  • I know, my next apt is on the 10th and I will be raising hell with my doc. I'm so unhappy with them. Even if I don't get one that day, i'll get one on the 13th for sure. I'm going to Colorado to see my sister and her best friend is an ultra sound tech, so she's doing it free...But still, I feel like my doctor is neglecting me.
  • Go to the ER lol thats what i did.. i went at like 15 or 16 weeks and found out i was having a little boy :) only 18 days till im due seems like it was just last week i was finding out he was a boy..
  • Its because he supposed to see you once a month at this point. With mines, instead of going in at my 16wk appt, I made him extend it for two extra weeks and seen him at my 18th week, just so he could do it then and I wouldn't have to wait. Here, we have ultrasound schools that will have students scan you as volunteers. Call up to the colleges and ask. Maybe they can get you in soon and you wouldn't have to wait til all the way til 22wks. Good luck.
  • Mines 18 weeks he told me I can schedule early instead of 20 whoop whoop
  • @huneybee do you have a good reason to go to the ER or did you feel neglected as well? I wouldn't know what to say if I went in there:S
  • I had to wait for 20 weeks for my very first ultrasound, too. I had solid dates for my last period (thanks, mydays) and no bleeding or anything, so it was a long wait to finally see my boy.
  • well i have more wait than you i am 17 weeks pregnant and my dr is not referring me till im 22 weeks so thats still a long ways I wanna know already
  • I had to wait until I was 23 weeks but I cheated and got a 3-d at 17 weeks and it was so worth the money.
  • @TandTsbb well i had kidney stones.. but you can tell them anything really..
  • I had an ultrasound at 10 wks, 20wks, 30wks, and i have another one tuesday i'll be 35+2wks
  • I waited with my first until 20 and my second and current until 22 weeks. They are much more accurate, plus it goes by when your last appointment was hun. Your last appointment being today and them only seeing you every 4 weeks at this stage, you are right on track for the 22 week mark, now if your appointment would have been 2 weeks ago, it would have been ultrasound at 20 weeks :) at least that's how it usually works. If you want go for the 3d/4d at somewhere private. Its worth the $.
  • My dr doesn't even do the ultrasound. The ultrasound appointment and my appointment with my dr are different. He just said he wanted to wait until 22 weeks. I asked to go at 20 and he said no he wouldn't order it. Blah!
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