i have been extremely bitchy here lately! i know it's just the hormones but it's driving me bonkers! its taking all i've got not to snap at random people... especially my fiance and my room mates! not to mention i'm kicking myself (figuratively, not literally) everytime i mess up on something and pretty much cussin myself out. it doesn't help that i work at a kiosk in the mall so i'm exposed to teenyboppers and just rude a** people all day... any suggestions on how to get my temper to level out?


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  • @mshahir i slept 9 hours last night... lol
    @Mrz_Villanueva i can't do yoga... have a fracture in my back :{
  • Aww damn im sorry to hear that um try relaxin music
  • @Mrz_Villanueva that's the plan when i get off work... a nice hot bubble bath w/ some soothing music and my fill-it puzzles. maybe that will calm my nerves a lil
  • Dats how I feel today real bitchy im snappin bd n I feel bad but I cant control it
  • @janellesmommie lucky for me i can control my snapping... if i couldn't i would have been kicked out of the mall by now for punching some poor shmuck in the head...
  • I'm like, losing my mind over this actually. I don't want to be anywhere near my guy.. like, he touches my shoulder and I cringe! I had a client pop-in unannounced today and I literally wanted to tell her to go the ef home and learn to respect peoples time but nooooo i sucked it up and stayed cool, on the outside. Then my boss, who is the most overworked and disorganized person on the planet cut our two hour meeting, a very necessary two hours and two hours that DONT suck.. like our meetings are so awesome and motivating and productive, down to 20 minutes. I didn't get a word in or anything accomplished because he double booked himself - as usual. I'm in med school and I work 30hrs a week as a performance trainer and professional life coach while my stupid life falls apart.
    whoo! vent!
  • @lilbun915 i feel you hon. my fiance is the only who CAN get away with touching me right now. anyone else i just want to hit! a part of me can't wait till i hit about 7-8 months so i can stop working and let my guy bring in all the money... i'm just getting so sick of dealing with these da**ed mallrats!
  • @fae, omg I could not even try to work at a place where people roamed around freely haha, I can't even stand voluntarily going to places where there are even kind of a lot of people right now! sleep, eat, work,class, eat, sleep, eat, class, work eat, sleeep, class, eat work.. repeat repeat repeat!
  • oh @fae, what I meant to say was.. more power to you for NOT hitting haha. I fantasized about tripping my pop-in client on her way out!
  • @lilbun915 LOL! i've been so tempted today to hit people, or start throwing our product at them! i swear, one more 'ew, those or ugly' or 'are you fucking crazy?!' and i am gonna hit some one! one thing that's made my day bearable is my guy and i are close friends with the guy who runs subway here in the mall and i get free food! good thing too considering i just put the last $16 to my name in the gas tank this morning... :{
  • @fae im the same :( and my babys dad couldnt take it to he broke up with me he said it was all BS
  • @NovemberMommy i'm sorry to hear that hon! my bd just has a 'guy's night' when it gets to be too much for him. doesn't bother me in the least cause it gives me some time alone to do what i want.
  • How far along are you?
  • i'm 11 weeks 2 days.
  • I cry like ten times a day. I felt bad yesterday I flipped out on my alzheimers gpop. I had to leave and I felt so bad for screaming at him cause he doesn't deserve it. I get really moody when I come home and my man is smoking pot and didn't cook or clean. I wanna rip my hair out. I told him that's gotta be nipped in the bud but we will see.
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