I am 8 weeks and it seems like everyother day my symptoms are there then disappear. I'm so worried. This is my first pregnancy so any advice would be good. I have no bleeding which is a great sign... Idk what else to say.
I didn't have any symptoms at all really I threw up 3 times all at my own fault but other than that sore breast was the only thing. Some people get symptoms, others dont, I was so glad I was spared lol. But I definatly understand not feeling pregnant, I didnt either, but once you get the ultrasound and actually see your baby, your mind will be at ease. Good luck and God bless
This is my third baby, and I don't feel prego at all. I'm nearly 10 wks, I've officially missed two full cycles, and when I went to the doctor last weds I was half convinced that she was going to tell me that I was insane and I wasn't pregnant. She didn't, she said everything was right where it should be, but even that didn't help. I just don't feel pregnant. I'm not even out of my regular pants yet! It's weird.
Yeah I hate not feeling pregnant. Other than my period being MIA I can't really tell. I suppose lots of sick ladies would want it as easy as me. My first appt wasn't until 10 weeks during my 1st pregnancy and all I could think about was how embarassed I would be if I ended up not even being pregnant. But I heard the lil heartbeat that day and my pants started getting snug just a few weeks later. I say as long as you're not bleeding, assume the best!