My M/c story at 15.

edited May 2011 in Special clubs
When I was 15 I had a m/c natural I was 20 weeks, I didn't tell anyone but my best friend at the time and my boyfriend that I was pregnant. Me and my boyfriend were so happy, He was a bit older and we both wanted it. At 18weeks the doctor said the heartbeat was low and didn't really pay attention to it. He just judged me for my age. Well for a week i was having cramping pain but read that it was ok and didn't think much of it, One day at school I started getting horrible pain, but was in class and didn't want to say anything so i wanted till that class was over. I grabbed my friend and took her into the bathroom in a hallway most people didn't go and told her something was wrong. Just then i got the horrible pain and out he came. I was wearing bang clothes at that point. We sat there in the bathroom stall floor for what was hours just looking at him ( a boy named andrew). He has ten fingers and toes, cute little nose. I cried so hard. My friend called my boyfriend and we buried or baby in the park that we grew up at so he would always be in a special place.


  • That is sad. Thank you for sharing that story. I'm sure its hard to talk about it. I hope you are ok.
  • Thats pretty shitty
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  • That is just wrong. Why not go to the damn hospital. U r so stupid to tell a story like this!
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  • How did you know it was a boy? What the hell are "bang clothes"? And how did you not make a bloody mess all over the floor? What did you do with your placenta? This story is MUD for sure...disgusting. :0&
  • You could get in so much trouble for that. Really you should have taking yourself and that baby to the hospital. Your so wrong for what you did. I'm going to get crapped on for this but that's why 14 15 year olds should not be having sex. Let alone having a baby. Shame on you. Look at all the people wanting kids and you go and bury your baby in a park. Wow you are so smart. Hope you are happy with what you did
  • MUD, indeed.
  • I'm not gone judge u but I am very very curious as to y u burried him in the park? I get the whole u & ur bf visited there but andrew was a precious baby and not a dog.i know u were young but...still.did u ever tell ur parents?r u preg now?hopefully ur a bit older.again not tryna judge u even tho I do not agree with it buy just wamted to kntw what u were thinking. :(
  • Ur the evilist person alive.... im srry for ur children....u dont deserve to be a mother...specially bye aending this to a women that IS HURTING FOR LOOSING HER CHILD...
  • edited May 2011
  • Wtf you need to be in jail. I hope that some one reports you and links this account straight to the police. But if they never do, you will definitely end up in hell
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  • @mama_kat I hate the term but they are on a witch hunt right now. I don't know if you all do mediation but its awful to watch this go back and forth
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  • Some of you are so damn judgemental its sickening. So your mad you lost your baby and I can understand its a hurtful thing but what do you get out of talking to this girl like that? @praying4our3rd im so sorry that your greaving but dont take it out on others. Everyone makes mistakes. I guess that was hers. I hope your able to have your 3rd soon.
  • I can understand you were scared but why would you not go to a trusted adult at that time?! I'm scared to death of my moms reaction and I'm grown! But I'm telling them when I'm 12 weeks... How were you sure that the baby wasn't breathing? Not only that but have you not listened to stories in the news where others did that and got prosecuted?? Not attacking just unsure of where your head was...
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  • i agree with 9_2011 .. not matter the age .. you know the difference between right and wrong .. she new it was wrong but yet she still did it !!!!
  • @9_2011 she made a mistake! She was probably afraid. Others have done worst
    Im not defending what she did but no one is perfect atleast she buried her child and didnt toss it in a garbage can.
  • edited May 2011
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  • OMG! I'm speechless........
  • 9_ 2011 i agree, i was 15 when i fell pregnant with my 1st baby and although i was a child myself i made sure i done everything properly and now i have a wonderful 13yro,
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  • @nov_baby All I'm going to say is that I'm praying for you.
  • @nov_baby sorry for your loss, i dont know you or the full story so im not gonna judge. I mc to any mother is hurtfull and would NOT wish it upon anybody
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  • edited May 2011
    Wow @ you "ladies". Who are you to judge someone else? It fu**ing baffles me how many of you say such horrible things. May god bless you all...

    @nov_baby, I don't agree with how you handed your situation, but I am very sorry for your loss.
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