Team Obama!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
He gave credit where credit was due! Im proud of him & our troops!

If youre an Obama hater plz plz do not comment on this because this is STRICTLY team Obama!
No drama needed!


  • Whootwhoot!
  • Team obama! 4 more years!
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  • I'm glad he gave credit where it was due(:
  • Yayyy for team Obama!!!!
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  • Go Obama! If you dont feel the same PLEASE dont comment!
  • I hope this gives him the boost he needs! He came into a messy office!
  • Obama Baby!
  • 8-> All Day!!
  • Finally idk y everybody turns on him so fast after 1 thng im still wit obama
  • @Kcantu2 unfortunately I dont think it will. People will still be negative against him just like they are now. They will find reasons to dislike him. Even if they have to continue to stoop to making up things!
  • @supermom405 right! He just accomplished a great thing & they still find ways to bash him! Smh
  • Ppl expect him to clean up years worth of problems in a 4 yr. spand.
  • Best speech he's ever given. Hit all the right points. Momentary lapse to declare we're not at war with Islam (who said we were?). Then back on point. Best speech he's given that I've ever seen. Congrats, Mr. President. I won't vote for you, but for once I'm proud of you. Very proud. Well done, sir. Tonight, you have my respect.
  • YAAAA BABY GOBAMA GOBAMA GOBAMA!!! a lot of his haters love to say he had nothing to do with bin ladens death but um hello bush was in office 8yrs and did nothing but cause useless distractions rather than actually getting the job done and now obamas in office 2 years and BAM bin laden is toast! Just what he said he would do, he did and I'm so proud of him and our relentless troops!!!
  • Speak for yourself!! All military does NOT hate him!!
  • 100% team Obama!! He's doin great after all da crap he came into! He gave credit where it was due n managed to pull off a successful attack that no other Pres.were able to do n 20 yrs! Yay for our president!
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  • And BTW he gave all the credit to the troops!!"
  • Obama gave credit when & where it was due! He never said he did all the work, he just signed on it.
  • I politely asked anyone who didnt agree not to comment!

    Military got their props. Goodbye

    Ladies plz dont indulge in her. This is a GO OBAMA thread! Back to the OBAMA LOVIN! LOL
  • @August22baby so he's responsible for cutting ur pay n not for the death of bin laden! Wow.. he's responsible 4 all da bad not da good?!?!
  • hmmm.... well i still say GOBAMA GOBAMA GOBAMA!!! :D
  • go team obama!! he has my vote for another 4 years :} he always have had it. people seem to always bash him when hes trying his best for us.. no ones perfect and hes only human.. what they dont seem to realize is that without him that bastard wouldnt be dead.. obama put in the order.. he and the troops deserve the credit equally... YAY TEAM OBAMA!!!!!!!
  • I have military family & I could've sworn they were paid.
  • Mommy_2 i couldn't have said it better myself!!! And august22baby my whole family is military and they praise the day he was elected! Thank you very much ;)
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