Ignorance (Vent)

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
I'm not trying to start any drama by this thread, I just had to say this. I thought we Preglys moved passed the foolishness. I'm reading a lot of these threads from last night and I'm like wtf. Yes we are all entitled to our own opinions and views on things. But there's a difference between being entitled and being just flat out ignorant.


  • Are you talking bout the Bin Laden thing? Or what?
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • @one5one I'm speaking in reference to Bin Laden & all the threads about the presidents. Some of them make complete sense but I feel some people are just taking it way out of hand. I just think some of it was petty and people was being ignorant.
  • Agree! Thats why I requested my discussion be closed.
  • I agree. Free speech is a right. But sometimes, it just does more harm than good.
  • I agree. Some people get way outa hand. A man died cuz he's a murderer terrorist. Nothing fun or funny bout this.
  • @one5one I feel the exact same way. I'm like suprised at how many jokes I saw about Osama, Obama, etc. But like @calebsmommie said free speech is a right, but I feel there is a certain way to go about things. But hey to each his/her own. @mimibrowneyez36 I saw so many threads on Osama I didn't even know you had one up :)
  • People just went crazy. It was disgusting.
  • Yea can we get back to pregnancy topics on here. I swear people feed of drama. Ya know?
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