*20 weeks... Ultrasound today... she's in my pelvis and hurts

So this past weekend, I have some pains. Like she's drilling in my crouch. My hub wants to have sex and I'm in pain, and we're both frustrated. We go for the 20 week ultrasound today and she's completely in my pelvis area... Upside down, head first and head butting me in my crouch... OUCH! The tech tried to shake her up and get her out of there and she wouldn't move... at all... her head is there... and her body is just floating upside down... Is this ok... am I going to go into labor early... HELP!


  • Your baby can "float" up and down in your pelvis up until there is no more room in the last couple weeks, so I wouldn't worry too much. I feel your pain tho (literally), I have 5 weeks left and my baby is killing my crotch. Sometimes it feels like he might poke a hand out! Really uncomfortable. As for sex tho, it puts our baby to sleep so during sex I am actually much more comfortable lol.
  • Mines is too and I'm 16weeks went to the er saturday night because I could barely walk and my baby was on my left side she couldn't even find my left ovary. I was wondering the same thing bec the doctor said that its a pulled ligament.
  • Im 28 weeks and I had this problem the other day. I was so uncomfortable I didnt want to move. I laid down hoping he would move eventually he did but now it seems to be his favorite spot. I dont know how Im going to make it the rest of the time. As for sex I feel bad for BD so i try to suck it up and hope that the baby takes a nap lol...
  • Thanks ladies... It makes me feel better to know Im not alone. Missed work today I could barely get out of bed. I guess I will have to suck up the sex part, I have no sexual appetite. Im scared ill go into labor early..
  • I am 22 wk 5 d and my uterus and the baby are both very low. They put me on bed rest for almost two weeks and are watching my dilation but I have lots of pressure. Just make sure you keep in touch with doctor if there are any changes. O and my doctor said I might go early since its low already
  • im 20weeks and 5 days and my baby is in my pelvis also it hurt to but it will be fine my dr said! its just warm there :) that means they will be cuddlers!!!!
  • My baby girl is like that too :(
    It hurts
  • I do hope it gets better for us. I like the idea about the baby being cuddlers... This little girl is already loved beyond her dreams... I went to the doc today and didnt really get much info... My doc said the baby can just stay down there... How painful... She said we would have to keep an eye on it... good luck ladies...
  • Im 6 months. And my baby is really low too. But she moves up at times.
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