suprise!im staying in l&d tonight?!*UPDATE* opinions on using a wetnurse? 5/20/11
I came to the er today around 3pm due to severe pain and cramping that i was unable to sleep through. I was monitered for about 3 hrs when they ordered a bio-profile ultrasound. My baby isnt moving at all. They fed me and even gave me soda, hoping the sugar would activate him. Nothing for a 30 min ultrasound he didn't move. So, I'm back on the moniter for the remainder of the night and will have a repeat ultrasound in the am. One thing the dr mentioned was inducing me and that scared me to tears. I dont want to be induced. Please send good luck vibes my way i just want to go home
Oh btw they checked me and I'm 50% effaced and very soft, not dialated at all though. And when the nurse was feeling inside it hurt so so bad i was crying and my face got swollen just from how much i hurt. Never expected that.
Oh btw they checked me and I'm 50% effaced and very soft, not dialated at all though. And when the nurse was feeling inside it hurt so so bad i was crying and my face got swollen just from how much i hurt. Never expected that.
Also being induced isn't so bad. I'm sure if you have to its in your babies best interest. Ill be praying for you both.