@babynumbersix Omg!! Yay I have a belly buddy now! I had my nuchal yesterday and everything looked great! And looks like we might have a little girl! Have you found out the sex yet?
I'm with @erkieshavingagirl, fuck talking about politics let's discuss the finer points of fried pickles
Also to the original poster. Stop trying to start drama, breathe, and go pick up a book teaching proper grammar and spelling it will do you a lot of good
Omg! Wow. Pulling the race card. You just made me giggle. I just want it closed because we already had two days of this political mess and it's over and people need to stop bringing it up. Btw I could care less if Obama is black which he is not, he's biracial, or if he was green and pink striped. So watch it. @sexygina22
If you are not capable of completing a sentence please don't try to start a serious conversation. I'm just making an educated guess but here it goes...I bet you know nothing about politics and just "like" Obama because you feel you are supposed to. You seemed much smarter by not typing a thing
@mommyforever@mommy_love the only school she goes to is an ebonics school.. which none of us go to so or her sake just ptetend we understand how ignorant she sounds
Ahaaa...imm still weeak...?? Y is thtt white pple got a promblem...with obama && us...imm startinn 2 feel u got sumthinn against black...ahaa imm still weeak
I just want to say one thing. Ok a few. We all have opinions on the president. Which is ok! But lets not pull the race card! Over someone wanting this closed it has been a hot topic since all the stuff went down. So with that said lets get back to pregnancy topics. And fried pickles.
Also to the original poster. Stop trying to start drama, breathe, and go pick up a book teaching proper grammar and spelling it will do you a lot of good