OMG shut up already with the black thing it only makes you all sound worse and please please please tell me what you like about the president minus the fact that he is "black"...racism will never go away until people stop using it as a crutch!!!!!!
@nene i dont understand why you would need to turn this into a racist matter. No one said kill black ppl we hate black ppl. Your ignorant yea and you need to realize how ignorant you sound
@sexygina22 bet if I posted I hate Obama bc he has black in him I would get negative responses...get real and get ready for motherhood bc behaving that way is childish
We are grown women right? So if you all feel she is ignorant, uneducated & possibly A TEEN MOM. Than why engage in this conversation & stoop to her level? #imjustsaying
@mommyforever me2! My unborn child is 1/2 white 1/2 black and my Bf and I have already made it our commitment to educate her and show her to be proud and embrace her background in a positive way :-)
@twinkiesmom there is no reason to attack teen moms you sound almost as ignorant as nene.. people need to kbow what they are talking about and have proof to back up their alligations
Here we go with the teen bashing...and lesson number one NEVER bring someones child into anything caz u may disagree...u have no clue if that person has lost or have a disabled kid..we can all take jabs ans insults but bringing kids into is a no go...just saying
Ok so this place near my house also has waffles on a stick that you put ice cream and toppings on.. who wants one?
Gobble gobble....wait that's a turkey. Lol