breast feeding sexual..??

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I was reading this article on line where this lady was saying that she got orgasms from breast feeding and other wemon where responding by saying its normal I don't really feel comfortable with that honestly it really groosed me out and I don't want to breast fees my son after the three days of him being home does any body agree/disagree with the lady sorry if I offended anyone just never heard of that before


  • That really creeps me out Ewww!
  • I believe it release endorphins. I have bfed 2 children, and never "got off" or had a "orgasm".
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  • Heh, I never got to the point where my nipples weren't incredibly painful, but during the few times that my son actually latched on correctly it didn't feel sexual at all. It was incredibly weird--not unpleasant, but it didn't feel good, either. Just weird.
  • It's sad that people are making feeding your baby a sexual dirty thing...women have breasts for that reason not sexual reasons smh.
  • The lady was saying it felt so good and that god made it to be pleasurable..ugh it completely creeped me out mean when my fiance stimulates my breast its way different and its nit something I would ever want to feel with my child she was saying it like its a uncontrollable or something I don't get it
  • As uncomfortable as it seems it's actually REALLY common and it generally happens with women who are overall very comfortable with breastfeeding. If you haven't already noticed, there are very conflicting opinions on breastfeeding, it just comes very naturally to some women and they never have a doubt in their mind whether they will breast or bottle feed, they bond during the experience and it is pleasurable physically and mentally (not in a way that is intentionally sexual) then there are women - like myself that would love to breastfeed but already feel kind of uncomfortable with the entire idea and HOPE it will work out but know that it has to work out for both mommy and baby, if mommy is uncomfortable and unhappy it can be a negative experience for both. then of course there are women who just don't want to breastfeed period, for any number of reasons..
    Anyway.. thats just the tip of the iceberg but those women who are super comfortable tend to be really relaxed and happy during the process due to hormones and endorphins released and can experience pleasing sexual sensations. It is common however in my personal opinion it is strange and if it happened to me, I'd probably give up breastfeeding :(
  • @mama_underpants so you agree with the lady its pleasurable..??
  • @momma_underpants
    It does release endorphins.

    Some people just react differently to the release of them while bf'ing. I've never had it happen. My reaction to whether it's gross or not would greatly depend on the mothers reaction it happens too. If you don't have them I would try not to think to heavily on it. If you want to bf for the health of your child don't let someone else's different experience hinder you reaching your goals in motherhood.
  • I breast fed my daughter and there is nothing sexual about it. If anything it made my nipples sore.
  • @sdubois there are definitely extra nerve endings in womens breasts and they are considered an erogenous zone which means it is normal to feel things that are pleasing sexually, I don't know that when women talk about breast feeding feeling good they mean to make it dirty and sexual, it's just a surprising side effect that many women feel. Again.. my personal opinion is that it's not appropriate to be sharing that kind of an experience with your child, if it happens it happens but like I said, if it happened to me I would most likely either stop breastfeeding or stick to pumping because if you really think about it it can be borderline incestual - ahh i'm probably asking for it.
  • I think there's something wrong with that...not to offend anyone but I breastfed all 3 of my kids and the only feeling I got was a loving bonding feeling knowing I had the privlage of giving my child the best thing possible for them.
  • @beautiful_altar, more women report it being painful and strenuous than pleasurable haha.. so that's also perfectly normal!
  • @sdubois I dont think its a feeling any women expects to have and I think when it becomes questionable is when you make the decision to continue breastfeeding knowing it is your own child that is giving you sexual pleasure. Ya know?
  • Lol well lucky for me it never happened to probably feel like something was wrong with me :/
  • @sdubois, honestly thats how I think I would feel too! It sucks because it DOES happen all the time and there is NOTHING wrong with women that experience it but it also gives me the heebie jeebies talking about it!
  • Well I hope it doesn't happen to you,good luck :)
  • Yeah in a way it seems kind of perverted sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings but I just don't see why or how people could get off with there child maybe its normal just one of those things but I just think its weird its really uncomfortable subject but I'm happy you ladys are giving your different opinions anybody here one of the wemon who felt the sexual sensation/orgasm
  • i was wondering about something simular the other day. this is my first baby, and i'm wanting to try to breast feed her for the first few months, at least. not only is is healthier for her, but it kinda cuts costs on formula. but, my breasts have always been a sexual part of my body. i've always assosiated them with sex, and i'm not sure if i'd be able to get past that to breast feed her. someone was telling me it's different when you have a baby, but i'm still kind of wondering. i don't think i'd be able to go on doing it if there was any kind of sexual pleasure involved.
  • Never felt that way to me :/ but when I was done bf for good I didn't like my bd to suck on them I just look at them as a feeding tool now nothing sexual anymore but that's just me
  • She should just pump then because that's really .... weird
  • @babymcbride8_27 I think if you have a pulse on it you will be able to make the decision that is best for you and your child. Just because your breasts are already a part of your body that you associate with sex doesnt mean you will be more likely to have sexual feelings during breastfeeding. I definitely think it is totally different with your baby.. but like I said before it can kind of happen to anyone! I wouldn't really worry about it, just make sure youre comfortable mentally and physically.
  • @babyMcbride8_27 that's exactly what I was thinking.I don't think I would just because of the type of person I am and how everything weirds me our but still idk I'm goin to try for the first three days but idk about after that
  • @roomfor1more that's kind of how i feel now.. like if my boyfriend and I are fooling around and he gets to into my nipples (sorry, TMI!) I get kind of weirded out.. like, dude um.. you look like a giant baby and its super creepy. This makes me feel SO immature but I can't help it lately!
  • edited May 2011
    well what about the wemon who breast feed their kids untill age 4 and 5 do you guys think that's normal @lilbun915
  • I have breastfed 5 babies and NEVER had an orgasm from it. The first week or so after delivery you may feel your uterus tightening when you nurse, but thats a good thing. Its going back down in size and breastfeeding helps with that.
  • @lilbun915 & @chrissy07

    i'm definately going to try it. who knows, it may just be the inital shock of the whole idea, and i may get over it. i'd rather find try and fail, then not try at all. but if it becomes a challenge mentally, i'll probably just give it up.
  • @lilbun915 yea it is creepy he get so upset... he says he know I won't let him do it when the baby comes so let him do it now but I just don't like it hopefully when I'm done bfing this baby it'll come back but until then [-X
  • The day I get an orgasm from breast feeding I stop n go c a psychologist that is not cool and is very gross...who ever she is she should stop
  • Yeah she should especially because her child's like 2 @preggointx
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