breast feeding sexual..??
I was reading this article on line where this lady was saying that she got orgasms from breast feeding and other wemon where responding by saying its normal I don't really feel comfortable with that honestly it really groosed me out and I don't want to breast fees my son after the three days of him being home does any body agree/disagree with the lady sorry if I offended anyone just never heard of that before
Anyway.. thats just the tip of the iceberg but those women who are super comfortable tend to be really relaxed and happy during the process due to hormones and endorphins released and can experience pleasing sexual sensations. It is common however in my personal opinion it is strange and if it happened to me, I'd probably give up breastfeeding
It does release endorphins.
Some people just react differently to the release of them while bf'ing. I've never had it happen. My reaction to whether it's gross or not would greatly depend on the mothers reaction it happens too. If you don't have them I would try not to think to heavily on it. If you want to bf for the health of your child don't let someone else's different experience hinder you reaching your goals in motherhood.
i'm definately going to try it. who knows, it may just be the inital shock of the whole idea, and i may get over it. i'd rather find try and fail, then not try at all. but if it becomes a challenge mentally, i'll probably just give it up.