
edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
Just wanted to let everybody know how I wish I was in a brand new relationship again, when your all loved up, and nice to each other, and all the kissing and just wanting to be around each other, and not being screamed at becuse you didnt wash his sock or dont feel like haveing sex! Bloody people on facebook wrighting to each other how perfect the other is makes me soooo jelouse :( *sigh


  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • No relationship is perfect!!!
  • I do love that new relationship feeling!
  • Aww :/ are you in a relationship now?
  • @sands3 I agree but they are in the begining L-)
  • Awww, im sorry he yelled at u over a sock :(
  • hey u where in my dream last night I dont remember the dream but just had to see how u where n do u know a courtney
  • n I got 1 particular person on fb who does that. makes me wanna puke, hes my soul mate yeah tell me that in 20yrs stupid thing is he comes round ours l8 at night n winges how hehates his life gosh id love to say something but augh.not going 2
  • @bummy87 had a dream about me? If you are talking about me, im great just bored, sleepy and hungry. And no I dont really know any courtneys personally!?!
  • yes about u lol crazy just had to check lol wish I could remember no matter, good to hear ur good though
  • Sweeet hope it was a good one :)
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