smoking 24 weeks



  • quitting is the hardest thing to do ever in life lol
    people said it was a bad habit i was like nahhh i can quit anytime. little did i know. they were right its really hard.
    i still smoke occasionally.
    i read in what to expect when your expecting (my new bible) she said dont beat yourself over the ciggarets you do smoke. but reward yourself for all of those you pass up. but try quitting. even if you stop for only a week then smoke a few then quit for a week again. its better then back to back eveyday smoking. good luck.

    oh & one finally note.
    even people who are pregnancy goddesss & are perfect pregnant women. some of there babies come out with issues too. there are drug addicts who dont sleep for weeks dont eat for days & there babies come out 100% healthy.
    its honestly just gods will. whatever happends happends.

  • @Babymamma18 "oh & one finally note.
    even people who are pregnancy goddesss & are perfect pregnant women. some of there babies come out with issues too. there are drug addicts who dont sleep for weeks dont eat for days & there babies come out 100% healthy.
    its honestly just gods will. whatever happends happends"

    thats all i have really been trying to say! cut the girl some slack and no one is perfect.. but no one wants to hear anyone but themselves... hope you dont get attacked too!
  • @baby2dec14yayy they can attack me if they please lol
    i really could care less. i have enough goin on in my life to worry about internet attackers HAHA
    its not like this girl is completely dumb. she knows the risk HENSE why she feels guilty yah know....i feel really guilty when i smoke i hate it...but i still do it cuz addiction overides me at times.
  • @everyone it is very hard! I'm 12 weeks and have tried to completely quit many times. I think a support group would be wonderful! Its so stressfuland hard..I feel like I'm a huge monster. I Have a 2 and 3 year old and am a manager at a restaurant. Even my employees tell me geez need a cigarette. The. after I smoke I feel better but Then start crying because I don't want to hurt the baby. I really need and would love a support group! We can cheer eachother on!
  • Fyi.. I've have 3 daughter is 10 I cut way back with her She was 8 lbs and healthy as a horse runs track plays basketball etc.. my son 3 was born 9 lbs healthy as can be loves soccer. Then my 2 year old who I just cut back with was 11 lbs! He is very healthy! Loves running outside playing for hours if I let him! I really think and believe if we all just cut back to Like 3 a day ,then just when we reached our boiling point have a half a one our kids will be ok. You have to quit safely ..the baby's also don't need the heavy stress of quitting!
  • I agree smoking during pregnancy isnt ideal BUT like others have said its gods will. I know plenty of asthmatics, people w allergies, hell even cleft palates whos parents DIDNT smoke. Alot of medical issues are genetic. Why are some 90 yearolds still smoking and nothing wrong w them yet people in their 20's that dont smoke die of cancer? Its good to know that there are perfect people in the world who judge others because they dont happen to have the same vice others do. And honestly, some of u that are jumpin on her for smoking are the same ones who run off n.cry when people "bash" u on ur posts. Shes not looking for justification just support.
  • Good luck its not easy but will be so worth it and im sure you can do it. The thingthat stops me smoking is the thought of the baby having to work its tiny heart at super speed to try get the little bit of oxygen round their body for 45 mins after u smoke, poor little thing.
  • keep your hands and your mind busy. like drawing, painting, crochette, typing just and thing that will keep your hands busy. Also anytime you want a puff drink water till u can't anymore or chew minty gum. This All helped many people I know...oh and baking. That helped my ggrandma, a 30yr smoke veteran.
  • Oh and sunflower seeds, that helped my sister while she was prego
  • Ill stop smoking when I stop stressing as simple as that. I feel bad always worried about the damage I could b causing mu baby have quit but u feel it goes both was smoke n relieve some stress or not smoke b more stressed? Eater way its bad foe both baby and me
  • Im not a smoker so i cant imagine how hard it is to quit! Especially with all the anxieties of pregnancy already! I commend you for knowin its not totally okay, cutting back is selfless of you:) my mom said chewing gum really helped her!! Good luck and strength to you!!

    As for the negativity that came out of this post, i dont think everyone was trying to 'attack' i think that they were just trying to say that gettin on this post and saying that smoking will absolutely not harm the baby is silly...dr's have their phd for a reason. I dont see how you can say that something who gives adults cancer can be okay for a growing fwtus. Now of coouurse there are worse things ro do and of course lots of people come out okay but what people are tryin to say is that it isnt always the case. Noone should make you feel like a horrible person fpr doing it either, cuz like everyone elae said, lots of babies come out perfect:) i do know a girl who has never smoked in her life, but both her parents always have..shes been battling with lung cancer for about a year now at 21. Now thats because of secondhand smoke which is of course a diff story!!
    Point blank, you are the momma, you decide whats best:) like the above said, a LOT of babies are just fine!! What bothered me, why i decided to post, is because there were posts saying that there is absolutely no risks with it and encouraging it.
  • I've been a pack a day smoker for about 15 years. I quit the day I found out I was pregnant and honestly it was so easy! If you put that baby ahead of everything else its no question to even smoke. Not judging but encouraging isn't gonna help either. Don't do it for you, do it for your baby.
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