Wife is due on the 19th but has insulin dependant diabetes. Her doctor has said baby will be born no later than the 5th so fingers crossed. Bring on a guy fawkes baby lol
I am due the 5th! Get my first ultrasound in 4 hours! I'm so excited to find out what we're having...I should be sleeping but can't...and I need to be up in two hours to get ready!
@due9nov and @three_cats_n_a_baby I have over the last few days been feeling baby move. Definate movements that make me smile! my mum and brother have also felt them! how about you two? Have you been feeling the lovely flips and somersaults too? Xxx
Hey @rachy606 i am getting alot more movement now, mainly. When i eat or am in bed, can't feel them outside yet but hubby can hear movement when ears on my belly! Lookin forward to even more and bigger kicks! X
The first time I felt movement I could feel it on the outside, so weird... I love it! it moves all the time and pushes right up to the surface! I'm still not finding out what I'm having, although I'm soooo tempted! Ha x