With my income I let him know how I plan to use it (ex-I am paying for everything for the baby out of the $ I made from tutoring 10hrs/wk this semester) but I don't ask because it's not necessary income, so it's not allocated yet. I ask before I spend $ from his paycheck because he does the bills and I have no idea how much we have; I don't want to overdraw the acct. He asks me before he spends even $10 on something other than food, and I think it's hysterical, but I appreciate that he makes an effort to include me. We both ask before we make plans to go away and leave the other person with the kids.
i always ask him when is a money thing cause im not working right now so i need to respect the fact that he is who work for that money and we have a great relation we talk about everything, he never say no wich is great but i ask him anyways
I ask too. He works to support me and I feel that its respectful if I ask. We still have separate bank accounts so I don't spend his money unless he gives me his card. Sometimes he gives me $20 to spend on whatever. When I go out, I don't ask him, but I do let him know.
lol @victoriab my husband and I don't have a joint account either. We used to, but we were in a horrible financial position at the time (I was laid off and he was making virtually nothing at his job) and the bank asked us to leave. In retrospect that makes me laugh, though it wasn't funny at the time. We've just never gotten around to opening another joint account, and now that it's been 5 years I really don't see the need for it.
I never ask about spending. I am the bread winner and pay most of the bills. Whatever money I have is my own and I don't feel like I need his permission. If I plan on going out then I usually try to ask just to coordinate childcare and so he doesn't get pissy about it.
I do! He supports me and my son I only ask permission to spend money bc he's the one working. But if ima go out I just tell him I'm going out he's always fine with it.
I stay home and I never ask if I can spend money. I handle all of the bills and he asks me if he is allowed to spend money. He just works and I spend I always make sure he has everything he needs though. I kind of feel like a crappy wife because I have never asked about spending money because I know our financial situation and as long as I don't touch our savings he has never said anything, other than spending $80 a day adds up (I really do) but he is never mean about it just makes jokes.
I've had $2 in my account for ages. I'm surprised they haven't asked me to leave or something XD