I'm 13 weeks and I've lost 10 pounds but I think it's cuz I'm not consuming 2 -3 glasses of wine and whatnot every day. Plus, I was heavy to begin with. My hope is that I'll lose about 15 pounds and then just gain that back. That's my plan! :-?
I lost 25lbs with my second and 10lbs with this one. It's pretty common, but once you hit the halfway point you'll probably start gaining a little bit.
I'm 19 weeks and I've lost about 16 pounds. I haven't lost or gained any in the last 2 maybe 3 weeks I was a little chubby to begin with and the doctor said its just because I'm eating better as well as the fact I had hella bad morning sickness lol so don't worry! I worried too but everyone kept telling me I'll gain eventually so enjoy this time where I'm not packing on the pounds just yet.