smoking herbs 420!
My baby is due october 14 and some people are telling me the herb smoking I've been doing is bad. Some people are saying its fine. My mom said she smoked herbs during her pregnancy and I seem to be okay. Its seems to help with my second trimester morning sickness. What do you guys think?
and alchohal and pot are completely different
The other thing I would like to point out is women have smoked and drank and done other drugs and had healthy babies and other women ate healthy and did everything possible to have healthy babies and end up having something wrong with their children. So you just never know! Good luck with this discussion and I hope it doesn't get to ugly because some people on here get very upset and feel the need to force their opinions and beliefs on people!
Im sorry I don't know why this topic makes me mad, but then again so does any otherr topic that involves what you should and shouldn't do. Im sure the food alone that us pregnant women eat about half of them are on the do not list. As well as some of the things that we drink and befor anyone says that it is different no it isn't. Too much caffine or sugar can cause life ling problems such as obesity and diabetes in children when they are older.
Many children if they have a family history of asthma are more then likely going to get it just like most otherr diseases. Many women who do everything right can have babies that have problems too. I think that adding risk factors are not the best thing, but if your child is going to have problems they may get them just from heritage alone.
As I said I am not condoning anything but people need to learn to be supportive and give constructive answers to a person rather then preaching or opinions.
You say she should quit then show facts and support her and tell her of some places that can help her quit, or tell her to assk herr doctor for anti nausea medicine or something. Telling someone their baby may die is only going to stress them out. (Not saying necessarily that everything I said applys to this specific post, but I have seen too many posts with people asking a simple question and getting completely bashed for it and I dunno... for some reason.. this time I couldn't hold my tongue.)
Sorry about the mini vent on ur post girl but I hella feel better