smoking herbs 420!

edited May 2011 in Health
My baby is due october 14 and some people are telling me the herb smoking I've been doing is bad. Some people are saying its fine. My mom said she smoked herbs during her pregnancy and I seem to be okay. Its seems to help with my second trimester morning sickness. What do you guys think?


  • I think This tread is gonna causr drama....but then again I did smoke and quit...
  • Not me. It'd bad and plus it relaxes me. Plus im real mean when I don't. Plus it makes food taste even better! Some studies show its okay but none really say it is bad....
  • Just a warning, the sharks r out and very opioniated! Gl with this thread mama.
  • Trust me ur gonna regret it. It did help me wit morning sickness and wat not but now I been sober for a while and feel much better...take care of uur baby hun....
  • I smoked to help me gain weight, but only for that and my migraines. I have a history and still recovering from a eating disorder. In some prego books I've read said its ok. But its really up to you.
  • People go crazy here with this kind of discussion sooo don't be Suprise if they call u out...
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  • edited May 2011
    Well your baby gets its oxygen from you if your high your baby may be too..people can't die from weed so I guess its just If you feel safe about it.I know people who have smoked and there babys are perfectly normal I'm just to scary
  • All I can tell you is marijuana passesdirectly thru the placenta.
  • Think about the baby instead of yourself first. Yeah it may be great and helps you out but DEAL with it. YOUR A MOTHER!!! I'm not trying to say anything bad but i want to show you not your a mother now and your child comes first before you :D
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  • I can't wait to smoke after this lil girl is're going to get bashed for this :(
  • I believe that you are a brave person to actually admit you smoke and that people are always gonna have something to say. I say you know what's best for you and your baby and soon it will be legal so people won't be so uptight about it.
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  • Well, do u know exactly what ur smoking? Does ur hook up know how much thc he puts on the plants? How do u know its not laced. I'm not judging u or ne thing like that but for ur morning sickness??? They got pills n supositories for that. Ur mean bc ur hormones r outta wack. I think a lot of us can b real mean bc we r preg. But honestly, jus sounds like an excuse to toke. All u have to do is b clean for 9 months, not a life time...but For ur child. U gotta make sacrifices. Drinking relaxes me, n makes me hungry...but I don't think its smart to do that while preg. To each his own but jus don't do something for urself wit out ur child in mind.
  • My sis grows her own herbs n smokes them n she's 8 months n her baby is fine...I quite wen I was 10 was the only thing that would make me eat
  • edited May 2011
    @adri805 lol u dont put thc on plants it grows in them on there own..
    and alchohal and pot are completely different
  • i no hundreds of people that smoked all the way up to the last month of there preg. and babys are 100% perfect.. Marijuanna is a natural herb that grows from the ground so as long as ur getting from a trusted source that you are 100% sure it is not being laced with anything i dont see anything wrong with it or if you grow it urself thats even better... if your smoking out of a bowl and not a paper i dont see why its any different then eating lettuce lol i smoked all the way up to a couple months ago cuz i failed a drug test and didnt want to look bad.. BUT MAKE SURE that u quit at least a month befor your due date if not a little more BECAUSE they passed a new law idk if everywhere but here in west virginia that they will drug test you right befor u hav baby and if your dirty they will take a stool sample from baby and if it fails then theres a great risk they will take your baby from you.. thats why i quit.
  • Hahaha I knew that. But wait...isn't there liquid thc that u can put in em too? Ahhhh n e who, id feel too guilty if I smoked prego.
  • Lol I'm shocked nobody has ripped you a new one! I have met tons of women who smoked their whole pregnancies and there kids are fine and fine later in life. I can say I smoked but quite at about 3 months when my morning sickness stopped. My midwife has told me she believes its fine. I think its up to you and you should make the decision with your dr as to what is best for your situation. I feel like the drugs they give you for morning sickness can't be any better or worse then smoking an herb. Who knows the long term effects of the chemicals in pills they give you. There are other herbal things you can do like peppermint tea and ginger to ease the sickness but once again it is up to you! I am passing no judgement because I smoked before and will probably smoke after but for me right now in my situation I have stopped.
    The other thing I would like to point out is women have smoked and drank and done other drugs and had healthy babies and other women ate healthy and did everything possible to have healthy babies and end up having something wrong with their children. So you just never know! Good luck with this discussion and I hope it doesn't get to ugly because some people on here get very upset and feel the need to force their opinions and beliefs on people!
  • Liquid thc? I would buy that in a second if I could. I don't think it exists tho lol, I've smoke for about 10 years and I would love to smoke but only 3 months and my body will be mine all over again haha
  • The profile may be fake because she doesn't wanna get bashed on her normal profile. Perhaps if people were so judgmental about what a person does then maybe they would have used a real profile. Topics like this shouldn't get ugly but they do basically because people want to make others feel like crap. Im sorry noone I don't care who you are is a prefect mother. Yeah you need to put your children first but some of these women act like they never did anything wrong since being a parent. I smoked with my first child because I couldn't gain weight and I was sick all the damn time and I mean I couldn't take vitamins and wass on the verge of being stuck in the hospital from dehydration and malnutrition. My midwife told me to smoke. She said that basically a happy mother who is eating and getting nutrition was better then a woman who was completely miserable and hating her life. Granted it wasn't like I wass smoking blunt after blunt just trying to get high. I would smoke a bowl when I was feeling really sick. I was finally able to gain weight and stop being sick all the time. The sickness didn't even go away until halfway through my second trimester and by the time the sickness went away I easily weened myself off it. Im not saying what I di was perhaps right especially to some, but it was the saving grace for me for having a somewhat normal pregnancy. I tried the anti sickness meds but I couldn't even keep them down. I would not recommend doing it through your whole pregnancy and you need to quit if for no other reason then if you test positive at birth they will take ur baby away.

    Im sorry I don't know why this topic makes me mad, but then again so does any otherr topic that involves what you should and shouldn't do. Im sure the food alone that us pregnant women eat about half of them are on the do not list. As well as some of the things that we drink and befor anyone says that it is different no it isn't. Too much caffine or sugar can cause life ling problems such as obesity and diabetes in children when they are older.

    Many children if they have a family history of asthma are more then likely going to get it just like most otherr diseases. Many women who do everything right can have babies that have problems too. I think that adding risk factors are not the best thing, but if your child is going to have problems they may get them just from heritage alone.

    As I said I am not condoning anything but people need to learn to be supportive and give constructive answers to a person rather then preaching or opinions.

    You say she should quit then show facts and support her and tell her of some places that can help her quit, or tell her to assk herr doctor for anti nausea medicine or something. Telling someone their baby may die is only going to stress them out. (Not saying necessarily that everything I said applys to this specific post, but I have seen too many posts with people asking a simple question and getting completely bashed for it and I dunno... for some reason.. this time I couldn't hold my tongue.)

    Sorry about the mini vent on ur post girl but I hella feel better
  • They even sell something in the stores in NJ called budah it has no thc in it n it still gets u I'm not a weed smoker an a regular basis if I wasn't but my midwife suggested it wen I keep losing wight n needed to put on five pnds
  • I have depression and was on meds but than I couldn't afford them, so I smoked but I always quit while preggo and breastfeeding to be on safe side. The depression sucks on top of hormones but my kids come first
  • As long as u stop a month fb the baby is born they wont take ur baby
  • What?? Omg! I'm looking that up now! That sounds great lol
  • Wait, you make it with alcohol? Nvm I'm a herbal girl, don't care for the affect of alcohol. I thought it was literally thc, I don't want to make something lol
  • U ladies make some good points. I in no way was bashing her bc its her body n her child. So no matter what it was that she was doing whether it was drinking, snorting etc....its her own choice at the end of.the day
  • Do you think they can make the father drugtest my bd looks like a total long haired hippy and he does smoke the herb (he has a greencard tho) with all this dshs talk I've been kinda worried about it. I'm totally clean I don't think they have ever tested me and I only smoked like 3 times at the beginning of my pregnancy. I'm not planning on smoking again but I will do edibles after I'm done breastfeeding.Except for a couple festivals I'm going to ill just pump a ton ahead of time and discard my bad milk.
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