What are MUST HAVE items for first baby?



  • @liloneontheway I am almost 23 weeks due sept 6 baby joey. I am so excited! It seems like so long away though.
  • @socalmomma2boys I know it is so hard to wait. I think waiting is one of the most difficult things. I'm having a boy, too. We're naming him Zayn.
  • Ull need a baby care kit,,, its a kit that has everything ull need for body care,, they make them for boys or girls and it will save money buying the kit then it would buying stuff single,,
  • Baby depo , wal mart ,any place that sells baby stuff
  • @mrslamaster that makes practical sense. Will look into it, thank you!
  • Gas drops really are a must
    Tons of 0-3 month onsies
    Bottles of different brands my twins would only use the cheap ones from Walmart.
    Sleepers with the hands that fold over in case you have a scratcher the gloves WILL FALL OFF
    This sounds bad but steal the big swaddling clothes from the hospital they're the best you can find.
    A well fitting but comfy sports bra if breast feeding
    Oh and remember once a hospital opens a thing of formula or diapers for you they can't use them with the next person so take them or they throw them away.
    A thermometer
    Frozen dinners
  • @lilontheway that's cute what is his middle name? Oh and the baby care kit is a must. I have a redcross one from target has all the random stuff. Medicine dropper, bulb sucker, nail sissors and files all that good stuff. Sorry
  • My spelling sucks
  • @LiLOneOnTheWay I also think you should stock up on plenty of nursing pads, they will be your life saver! But here is something I found out when having my first child. Don't over buy! lol We didn't over buy a lot, but there were certain things we didn't really need like lots of receiving blankets, or little hats and mittens so they don't scratch themselves. At first you think you will need a ton of onsies like plain white ones to go under their clothes but once your baby is here you will be suprised how often you will be doing laundry with all the burp rags and changes of clothes they can go through in one day! Also I found that if you stock up on lots of diapers from like Walmart you can always exchange them if you have too many of a certain size. Walmart doesn't require you to keep your receipt just to exchange so that's a plus if you misplace them.
  • We wouldn't have made it through teething if we hadn't had infant tylenol and oragel (even though they are saying don't give infants oragel now >:p ) gripe water was also a must have for gas and teething. Plus it tastes good and can help with mommys heartburn. If you are nursing and baby decides you are the pacifier. You will want nipple butter by earth momma angel baby!! It is the best product out there!! And I loved the smell of Lamaze's Pomegranite Sitz Bath powder. Warning it turns the water redish. So don't be alarmed if its redish when you stand up from a sitz bath. We loved the burts baby bee cleanser. It smells fabulous like a sweet newborn :X
  • @octobermama I live the list, especially the frozen dinners part! That is probably a must have when you're busy adjusting to the baby and a new routine.
  • @socalmomma2boys we decided not to have a middle name for our son. What about you? I'll look into that redcross kit!
  • @Joaquins_mama thank you for the heads up regarding Walmart. I had no idea that was possible and it is good info to know!
  • @blissmarie23blissmarie23 I love these suggestions. Thanks so much for sharing. I tend to get a lot of heartburn these days so I'm open to remedies.
  • Good post! I'm taking notes :)
  • @LilOneOnTheWay they were my hubby is not a great cook, but even he was able to handle that lol. My mom was awesome too and brought me little stuff on her way home from work.
  • Plain cloth diapers make the best! Burp rags! A must in my house I'm preggo with number 3.
  • Very helpful list, thanks everyone for posting it!
  • I diaper change organizer to hang on the crib or the wall, to have all this stuff organized and accessible.
  • Not sure if its already been posted but one of my must haves is a car seat cover. It slips over the baby car seat and has a flap that lifts up for breathing.. that way you don't have to bundle baby in a snow suit
  • @ghettobetty I keep hearing this..where can find them? Does babys r us sell them?
  • My mom always buys them LOL! I will ask her.... @Ashley_smashley
  • Target.. babies r us .. Walmart.. they all have em
  • @liloneontheway well since my sons first name is so normal we wanted a different middle name so we used my dads toombs I know odd buts it a family name and will make his intials j.t. so I love it
  • I forgot about nipple creams oh joy!
  • If you plan on breastfeeding there is this thing called "itzbeen" its a little timer that will go off every two hours or for however long you.set it for. Also has a feature that reminds you what breast you last feed on. For a really tired new mommy it is great. Or if you are out and about..sometimes its just hard to keep track of time :)
  • As an alternative to nursing pads baby wash clothes do the same thing really well. Plus i saved money using them.
  • @octobermama I hear you. My husband is a good cook, but having meals pre-made is super practical.
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