What are MUST HAVE items for first baby?



  • @ghettobooty my SILs say the same thing. great advice!
  • @juneduebug having these items accessible seems wise - good point!
  • @mommy318332 no one has suggested this yet, good item to add.
  • @socalmomma2boys I like that, very unique yet in line with tradition.
  • @upnorthmom I do plan to breastfeed and I can see where that product may come in handy.
  • Both my kids lived in the pajamas that cinched at the bottom by eleastic, it beats doing buttons during the night when ur exhausted and you just push it up and over butt , change , then pull down and go back to sleep lol
  • @liloneontheway your the only one who has had anything nice to say about beside my dad of course I just love my daddy so much both of my boys had part of his namei stopped telling people because of their ugly reactions
  • Thank you @blooize. I have seen those and bought a few because it seems like they would be easy during changings.
  • Great info.... ***
  • I heard on the news last week that they were thinking about banning it for use with infants....personally I started laughing and berating the announcer. There's not a shot in he'll that I'm not giving my babies teething gel and tylenol when they're teething especially with molars. As often as I could give my toddler teething gel to help her I would. She was miserable cutting her teeth.
  • @tiff87124. I hear ya...we would stock pile it for sure.
  • Commenting to save discussion!! Very helpful!! :)
  • there are things that i bought that i never even used like the bathtub! it was a waste of $50!!! i liked the cloth diapers at home and huggies or pampers on the go... i make most of my baby food because i bought one of those bullet things and it saves a ton of money and my kid eats what we eat.... i just put it in there and puree it.. lol i never used the bottle warmer that we bought it was too much of a hassle.. i just put warm water in the bottle... another thing that i have that is amazing!! they make these bottle nipples that are for water bottles so we buy the 8oz. water bottle and screw the bottle nipple on it.. and you can buy a formula carrier at walmart it has three compartments and you measure out the scoops in three servings to carry with you when youre on the go! il look it up and post it on here :)
  • **BUMP** for all the FTM wondering! ;-)
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  • I bought one similar to that one @caffeinated_katie but mine has a head rest to help with the flat spot...Ollie isnt here yet so I havent tried it out but I hope he likes it as much as your son did!
  • Somebody suggested once a mesh or mini laundry bag to wash socks in so you don't lose them in the wash.
  • *bump* thanks @everyone for the useful info
  • so i haven't looked through any of the replies- but here is my MUST HAVE list...whether it be for the baby or my sanity :D this is my third, so i pretty much know what is necessary- for our lifestyle

    crib, sheets, blankets, diapers, wipes, butt cream, nail clippers, bulb aspirator, infant tylenol, bassinet, lansinoh and pads (i am b/f), swing, bouncy seat, car seat + base, wardrobe, baby wash, baby bath, monitor, eczema cream (all my kids have this- my middle is the only who is severe enough to see specialists, but the cream reallllly helps), baby lotion, winter car seat cover, stroller, hats, mittens, socks, loooots of burp cloths, sling, changing table, changing table pad + cover, teethers, rattles, music.
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