should i press charges?

edited May 2011 in USA moms
My childhood best friend got my Ambien refilled at the pharmacy while I was in the hospital on Bedrest without my permission. She has had a prescription drug problem for 10 year. Lost her nursing license. Went to rehab 4 times. Stolen pills and money from multiple family members and friends over the years. Her family has always swept things under the rug and enabled her. She has a 4 month old baby girl. I called her mom and gave her the weekend to get the baby. Told her I was pressing charges monday. Am I doing the right thing?


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  • Honestly I wouldn't. I would decide whether I wanted to continue the friendship. This is just my opinion.
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  • Oh my... who has the baby?
  • Yes! Don't be an enabler like everyone else. A similar thing happened to my MIL a few years ago. Her daughter went to the pharmacy and got her pain pills refilled without my MIL's permission. Maybe if she had done something about it, her daughter wouldn't still have a drug problem.
  • Yes, that is illegal and how dare she do that. I would never consider anybody who did that to me a "friend". I hope everything else is going well for you, and I hope this all gets worked out!
  • I think you are doing the right thing. It sounds like she really needs serious help. Sometimes tough love is hurts but is the best thing you can offer.
  • @salsabia tough love girly sux but sometimes its best but only u know if its right since we don't know the whole story. Best wishes
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  • I think you're doing the right thing. It's illegal and there need to be consequences or she'll do it again.
  • Yes! Absolutely. She needs help and this might be what she needs. A wake up call.
  • @tiff87124 the pharmacy (walgreens) said if a person is only picking up a refill they can get it if they have your home address and date of birth. The manager looked back at the camera recording described the girl to me. I automatically knew who. She saw the bottle on my table a few months ago. We talked about how our obgyn had prescribed them to us for sleep. She thought I was going to be on Bedrest for a while longer. Well oops baby came 9 weeks early. Apparently you have to tell the pharmacy to add to your account that knowone is allowed to pick up your prescriptions.
  • Shes very sick. Please get her help this time...on the road shes on shes gonna die
  • U need to. She has a problem a big problem if u don't se could wind up dead or hurt! She may not ty anytime soon but someday she will. It proves how wonderful of a friend u r if u do. U care that's what counts! What if her baby got ahold of those pills? U need to stop her b4 something serious happens n someone ia dead! U don't want that guilt on u
  • @tiff87124 she's been doing a really good job as a mom. Last time she went to rehab was during her pregnancy. After baby was born she stole pain pills from another friend of ours medicine cabinet. She denied it when confronted. Now she has absolutely taken it too far. Im sure she's driving that baby around on pills. Her mom is begging me not to press charges. Saying she's been through so much and this will just ruin what little life she has left.
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  • *IMO* I come from a family that has multiple family members that are drug addicts, the only true way you can help them is to turn them in. They need a slap of reality! And trust me it is hard, but it needs to be done. You could save her life.
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  • edited May 2011
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  • I would have done the same, if only to cover my own butt. If she does get in trouble and says she got them from you, then there is proof she did this without your knowledge.
  • I agree with the other women on here turn her in. She may not see it now but when she's sober she will realize you have been her true friend and saved her life. I would also tell her doctor if you know their number. Her docs need to know too so they can report it. I have a friend going through a similar situation. Her addiction has really wrecked her family. And her husband has had to turn her in and even put her out on the street because he can't take it any more. He let her back in the house when she agreed to go to long term rehab. I hope your friend gets the help she needs to recover.
  • That's the best thing for her now. She's got a problem. What if uneed them pills & can't get them cause of her. Her baby is who need help too. Mom can passout over her & baby can suffocate. Your doin the right thing. Hows your baby& hows you feeling?
  • I would present her with rehab or prison. If she doesn't complete rehab turn her in. But if she does then give her another chance. Being a former pill popper myself i know what an addict is capable of. If people held some of the things i did against me still i would be totally alone. I've been clean since july 2010 and so happy i have the support i do. She won't get clean in prison. She will miss it more and get f'ed up when she gets out.
  • Yes press charges. That's so illegal
  • You are doing the right thing eventually she will thank you for it has it may lead to her geting help, my brother started takinp drugs and being violent against my mum but she kept calling the police now he's admitted he need's help and is of the drugs and having anger management and seeing a phychatririst (can't spell), and he now thanks her for calling the police now matter how awful she felt at the time she know's its the right thing
  • I understand that u considered her as a friend, but u should press charges. Her stealing from u is a cry for help, so be a friend and turn her in so she can get the proper help she needs. In the future her and her baby will thank you.
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