should i press charges?



  • i personally think she needs to no longer be enabled. People who have a drug problem are not thinking about the consequences when they are doing wrong. She will continue to do wrong until she hits bottom. UNfortunaly that may mean loosing her daughter. However i could never have it on my conscience if that little girl was ever harmed because her mother was driving around high. You never know this could be the thing that will help her turn her life around. She will probably be very angry with you but eventually when she sobers up chances are she will see you were only trying to save her and the babies life. I know what a hard decision this is for you to make but when you sit down and think about it, its for the best. Good luck hunny
  • I agree with everyone else. Press is illegal to take medication that is not prescribed to you. Bottom, she needs to hit bottom. Tough love for her!
  • As someone who deals w people like this daily, sometimes jail is their only way. There is absolutely no way to get a fix 99% of the time while there. Good for you for truly helping this girl and her family!!
  • What ended up happening?
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