k so i know im in the wrong...*update*

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
But my dad and step mom are Muslim and they refuse to let their children date but this is America and kids r gonna do what there gonna do so my brother told me that he had a girlfriend which is not allowed and I thought well if he was going to sneek arround he might as well be doing it under an adults supervision I understand that I crossed the line but I took him and his girlfriend out to dinner and a movie well long story short my parents found out and now r not talking to me which in my opinion is super childish they don't even want to know why I did what I did what do u think I should do?

K so I just got back from my dads and they undertanf now why I did what I did and they hopefully r planning some kind of compromise with him after hes grounded for lying to be able to see her only with supervision thanks again ladies for all you support. :)


  • I agree with you at least they had supervision
  • Try sitting them down and explaining you were trying to compromise. Letting him have a life without letting them do whatever they want. And it might not hurt to apologize for undermining their rules (even though I agree with what you did!!)
  • Thank you I don't know what to say or even do at this point
  • edited May 2011
    I agree with you that they are being unrealistic.....but I feel you should apologize to them bc you did undermine their authority as his parents and kinda gave him the idea that if he think what they do isn't right he doesn't have to obey.

    But don't beat yourself up bc I prob would've done the same.
  • I'm sure your parents just feel disrepsected, but I'm with you on this one.. if you knew he was gonna sneak & see his girlfriend, at least you made sure they were supervised & still had a good time! Id call or visit your parents & just explain to them you'd rather know they're supervised & not out in the middle of nowhere just to see each other! My parents were very strict & I hated sneaking or lying to them, but there were times where I did just because my parents weren't understanding about anything & I was too scared to even ask permission! Don't let him be like that!
  • I am planning on going over there later with my little sisster they have sun us both for different reasons at one point or another and now I'm pregnant about 4 1/2 months they disowened me furring my last pregnancy as well and my sis is 23 and living with her boyfriend and they haven't talked to her since the day she moved in with him I feel like my son suffered enough without them in his life and not being able to get to know his uncles fir years I'm not letting hem do this to my daughter and thatnk you for being on my side and I do plan on apologising to them but I bet u my brother will hopefully not but probably do something worse later
  • How old is your sibilings? @momof22be
  • He is 15
  • He will be 16 in November
  • You're handling this the way you should, don't worry! Just keep your cool when you go see them, it may be hard if they act stubborn and what not.. & my parents being so strict on me made me feel like I never got to live life like other teens or have funny stories to talk about now.. so getting married and moving out seemed amazing to me.. and that's what I did. I don't regret it, but it didn't bring me memories with all the girls who got to do things, it just gave me new memories & a baby! And I really didn't act out or rebel on purpose, but that's what a lot of people assume.. so just make sure your brother is comfortable and what not.. being sheltered isn't easy!
  • @momof22be I understand where ur parents are coming from and they have srtong valuse about your sister moving in with a bf and not her husband...not to jikes her but wat if she become preggo and the bd ants nothing to do with her she gonna say I wish I had listen. But your parents are kinds stuck in their own ways..maybe having everyine together and talking over things can help...usually the wife follows the husband even though ur mom mite disagree with ur father she gonna hold side with.
  • Well at 15 he still lives with them and have to follwow their rules...yeh their old fashion but that's how teenagers are they usually dnt see adults point of view.
  • Exactly @lexi34 thays why I wanted him to be supervised otherwise I can only guess what could have happened and thank u all for your support
  • Yea I know she will and I think that urn right about my sister too but she is 23 and has every right to make her own decisions and mistakes
  • @momof22be you know I have agree it's not your fault so don't let this stress you out b.c. U r pregnant by the way me grown up as from the far east I can understand why he felt this way because it's just the way your dad was raise , but from what I understand here is you are in America and he need to not be sensitive because if he wants to live here he should always understand the culture , even my self here working for a great well know Corp. I have learn that you can't be too sensitive about things but you know you did the right thing by said you are sorry and it won't happen again , and tell him for me will ya don't be sensitive learn how to live his life in America !
  • Be there for them as much as possible last thing they need is feeling alone in this world with no one to understand their point..thats all you can do..its sucks being young with parents that dnt understand its 2011 not 1800s
  • Yea thanks so much all of you
  • Well im not saying ur wrong. Its good that u supervised them but at the same time its there choice and their religion. Just try to look at both sides maybe u would feel better
  • And he's still pretty young
  • You were all right thank you
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