Sore sore SORRRRE pelvic bones!!!

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
Holy crap! This did NOT happen with my first child. It started last week, I'm 33 weeks today. It feels like someone put me on a medeviel torture rack and tried to dismember my legs. From what I've read its my pelvic bones moving to get ready for delivery. I've been taking Tylenol put it still hurts. Getting off the couch and out of bed kills. I go to the doc Thurs but I doubt he can do much since it seems to be a normal pain but damn hurry up baby! Please tell me someone else is feeling my pain. I feel like a freak cuz I felt nothing like this with my daughter.


  • Welcome to my world!! Its awful, soo painful! I ordered a maternity support belt today they're supposed to work wonders. I asked my doc about it today and her only recomendation was the belt, other than that there's nothing she can do.
  • OMG...I am in sooooo much pain too. I am 21wks and feel like my pelvic bone is gonna split in half :o( how can I ease the pain tylenol does not work at all.
  • @babyt you could try taking a hot (but not too hot) bath. Its cartilage stretching out to prepare for birth later.
  • Im going through the same thing. It hurts so bad. I hate getting out of bed 100 times to pee cuz its so painful. I never had anything like it with my first pregnancy.
  • edited May 2011
    I'm right there with you. I don't remember this with the first to buth that was 9 and 11 yrs ago. I'm 27weeks tomorrow I've been feeling this pain for about a week and it keeps getting worse ugh I want ti cry when I roll over or stand up. The hot tub felt good yesterday. (It wasn't very hot)
  • Same thing here my toddler helps me out of bed O.o
  • Yes unfortunatly I know what ur talking about, just consider yourself lucky because ive had these horrible pains since my first trimester, im 33 weeks now and the pain has spread to my tailbone! Omg I thought the pelvic joint pain was bad but oh my tailbone pain is the worst! Apperntly the pelvis is attached to the tailbone as well so somehow its causing me even worse pain :(. This is also my second pregnancy and no I didnt have any of these pains with my first.
    The reason you get it with your second ans not your first is because the 1st time around everythings nice and tight and has never been streched so it holds everything on place better, but this time around its so much easier for everything to lousen up.
    my son is 5 years old now, so its not like my body hasnt had time to bounce back.
    Anyways I figure if all this pain is going to help my labor and delivery more, then hey its worth it, but it really hurts and sucks to have to be in so much pain only to have that pain greatly intensified by l&d! Of course its always worth it in the end :)
    good luck!
  • I'm with you too,but I'm only 6 weeks
  • I'm pregnant with my 1st and have had the same thing since 14 weeks. I'm in so much pain I can't even move n simple things like putting on trousers is agonizing. It feels like somebodies Hung weights off the inside of my thighs and pelvis. Only 2 weeks to go though then ill have so much more to worry about lol.
  • Ugh yes, putting on pants is terrible! And I've been having to roll over a lot more at night from tossing and turning and peeing so many times. I groan out loud every time.
    @summergirl22 With me it started in my tailbone around 26 weeks and traveled frontward. My daughters 6 so I get what you mean about bounce back. It sure does suck but Just another thing I have to look forward to being over soon I guess.
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  • Omg I thought I was the only one lol...I had it with my second now with this one.I'm 30 weks today and in soooo mucb pain....
  • Girl I feel ur pain I just read this out loud to my bf cause he don't believe me that I be in pain and ill be 29 weeks tomorrow!
  • @megrod88 did the tailbone pain hurt more for you as well? It does for me and I cant seem to do anything to help it, it hurts weather I stand, sit, walk, lay its horrible, the pelvic joints were bad too but I think since I have had that pain pretty much this entire pregnancy, I think I may have grown somewhat accustomed to it :/ it still hurts but ive found ways to cope with it better....
    You should try some of these things that helped a little for me... A pillow between the knees while laying down is a must, if ur on ur side, if ur on ur back I like to put the pillow under my knees instead of between, also if you change positions, try to keep both legs together while turning/getting up, you know like a mermaid.. Try to rest as much as you can, the less you have to do the better, but take your time doing things, like slowly getting up and slowly walking taking smaller steps, hopefully you dont have to climb stairs everyday! Anyways as im sure you know, nothing really helps the pain :(
    im so ready to finally give birth! Im almost there but it still seems so far away!
  • Im 32 weeks...i walked for like 9 hours the other day...felt like I did splits allllllll day long! Still feels like it...i hope this baby comes quicker...hurts so bad to move/stretch.
  • edited May 2011
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  • edited May 2011
    @summergirl22 The tailbone pain hurt less for me but it was still a bitch. Id walk around holding my butt all day. I've recently started experimenting with pillow techniques as well. The one I like is where I put a pillow under my butt and lay semi on my side and put pressure on the pillow so I'm not flat on my back but not putting all the pressure on my side. Ugh and I'm so glad I don't have to deal with stairs anymore. We moved into a house last month but before that lived on the second floor at apts. I also am glad I'm not waiting tables anymore. I couldn't imagine doing all that walking with my busted inner thighs lol. I want to get in the scooters when I grocery shop.
  • I'm with yall!! I'm 34 weeks n its been goin on for over a month now. I go to physical therapy and the chiropractor for it bit it really only helps for the moment....cnt wait.for the baby to come out so this can be over !!
  • this seems to be very common....I slipped and busted my bottom right around the time I got pregnant....and was in so much pain then, so I thought that this pain in my pelvis area was from me falling....I pretty much had it from the get go, I'm 38 weeks right now....I'm hoping after he is born, this crazy bad pain will ease serms like almost all of us have something in common, we didn't have this crazy pain with our was the second and so on....I seriously thought maybe I had a hairline fracture or something from the fall, but dr said we couldn't do X-ray until after the baby is born....but now I see this is very common.
  • Megrod 88 I feel your pain I have the worst backpack and groin pain in the world i m so soar it feels like i have been beating with a metal baseball bat. Lol, June 25 ain't gettin here fast enough but at the end it was all worth it for my babygirl
  • @megrod88 my doc said no tylenol or pills are allowed for th last two months so im livin in hell ! :(
    Speciallt when I lay down and switch sides or when I fast walk !
  • edited May 2011
    Im glad this is a normal pain!! and that im not the only one struggling with pants. L-)
  • Im 16 weeks n i jst started 2 get those pains 2 days ago. It hurts 2 get in n out of bed.
  • This is my first and I have it unfortunately. But I've also broken both my hips in the past so that area is all messed up to begin with.
  • edited May 2011
    @megrod88 lol yea those scooters would be nice!

    @I_anaya tylenol doesnt help anyways, but thats interesting that ur doc told you no tylenol during the last 2 months? I have never herd that! As far as I know tylenol is safe all throughout pregnancy. the only time I take tylenol is if I have a really bad headache, I do take benadryl for sleep when I need it, matter of fact I took it last night, ive been so restless lately, thinking of the babies arivial and the things I still need to get done, agh it would keep me up all night some nights, im so thankful benadryl is okay to take
  • I've had it since 20 weeks and I'm 35 weeks now. It feels like I've been riding a horse for 20 hours!
  • I haven't found anything that helps. My tailbone also hurts pretty bad I cracked it almost a year ago
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