Shaved or



  • @kansasmomma lol thank you for making me giggle. I worry cuz I cant see anymore and just feel. Guess I need to invest in a hand held mirror so I dont have animal print.
  • I think ima wax or shave... Some docs get the clippers if u have to much hair. Bald is good for me. Especially that im video taping mine...
  • edited May 2011
    I personally felt better shaved. I figured out with my first that squatting in the shower gives you a much better reach and it hasn't failed me! :) im 36 weeks with #2 and always cleanly shaved. It was nice not to (tmi) get all the blood caught in your hair down there after you have baby, its just easier to stay and feel clean being shaved in my opinion, but everyone is different :) do what makes you comfortable.
  • @kansasmomma hahahahaha thats so funny
  • @inloveee and @seifer12211 im glad I can make u both laugh! It was really embarrassing but funny!! A hand held mirror, or on that sticks on the wall is a must have now!! I had my fiancee take a pic and he's right I did a horrible job!!
  • I shaved all the way til I gave birth and it never gave me problems with my stitches, and I ended up with 25stitches with my first son.
  • edited May 2011
    I shave blind now, just feel. I am not making it look like chubacca is delivering a baby lol

    "aw the baby has hair!" " I don't think that's the baby."

    Not happening to me.
  • I trimmed up but I couldn't see thanks to my missing vagina I could only do so much. So it was bushy. Didn't bother me at all.
  • I use nair cream. It's sensitive and for the bikini area but I experimented one day and put it on the whole area 5 min later wiped it off and WALLAH smooth as a babys bottom lol. Been using it for yrs with no problem & no itch when it grows back
  • Hate to say it but bushy. No way I'm going to add itchyness to discomfort!! Eek even the thought of hair growing back makes my skin crawl!!
  • Shaved is fresher, cleaner, nicer! Love it!
  • I use nair cream to
  • Wax!! I don't want Gabriel to get lost in a jungle.
  • I always shave.. But now my doctor told me I shouldn't because since being preggers I get huge ingrown hair bumps and she says after giving birth if I need stitches it could be more painful and could get infected..I still shave now but ill have to settle for a trim for d day..
  • Eek i will shave as soon as its real labor..
  • Normally I hate hair there but I had an accident shaving with my first and cut myself. I don't want that again. I can't see down there and using sharp objects blindly isn't appealing. So bushy it is. Lol. Plus I agree with @HomeBirthAdvocate no need for razor burn on top of everything else.
  • I've used nair too & burned my va-jay-jay. I jus smear tht on the lips & lower regions, wait a bit & go wipe it off in the shower w a rag.. thn shave the top... id per.fur. to be bald... but well c. I told fiance he might have to learn to do it for me... kinda dnt trust tht.. it scares me lol
  • While I was laid up in the hosp on Bedrest my doc and I actually had a conversion about this. He said that women shaving or trimming down there has cut down on infection rate. He went to a seminar that showed the statistics. He actually suggests for his patients to trim if they don't already.
  • ** liked**
  • She said trim. She is just worried that with the blisters from ingrown hairs could infected so not to go hairless anymore.. Idk. I like it clean :/
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