I also had I/c cerclage @ 14 wks, having identical twin boys. Previous preg I lost my baby girl @ 24wks dr placed a disolvabe stitch by mistake, was terrible. This time I have an amazing professor I'm 24 wks now on bed rest and progesterone, goodluck ladies its a long road but totally worth it x
@hope2009 I am in a panic because my cervix is so short....has this happened to you this time? It is only 10mm and I am 16+4. I started progesterone shots a week ago. Any advice?
@babynewyear my cervix is 19mm @ 26weeks. I was told that its normal to shorten with twins. R u being monitored weekly? My advice is listen to ur instincts if u feel not right make them put u in hospital. Get checked for infection regular as it too can cause labor drink lots of water n do NOTHING gravity will always put pressure on ur already weak cervix. Best of luck hunny xx