Induced mommas (who have been or r scheduled to be)
How far along where/are you when you got/will be induced?
And what is the reason of induction?
im curious because my first was big, 9+ pounds and this one is already measuring big (im 34 weeks measuring 2weeks ahead)
my first I was induced but it was after 10 days past the due date...
Im hoping (if I dont go into labor before 40 weeks on my own) they will induce at least by 38 weeks so the baby wont be too big... I was 10 pounds and born by c section....i really dont want a c section...
And what is the reason of induction?
im curious because my first was big, 9+ pounds and this one is already measuring big (im 34 weeks measuring 2weeks ahead)
my first I was induced but it was after 10 days past the due date...
Im hoping (if I dont go into labor before 40 weeks on my own) they will induce at least by 38 weeks so the baby wont be too big... I was 10 pounds and born by c section....i really dont want a c section...
Anyone have experience with being induced this way?