Induced mommas (who have been or r scheduled to be)

How far along where/are you when you got/will be induced?
And what is the reason of induction?
im curious because my first was big, 9+ pounds and this one is already measuring big (im 34 weeks measuring 2weeks ahead)
my first I was induced but it was after 10 days past the due date...
Im hoping (if I dont go into labor before 40 weeks on my own) they will induce at least by 38 weeks so the baby wont be too big... I was 10 pounds and born by c section....i really dont want a c section...


  • I was induced when he was 8 days late. Delivered an 8lb 9oz baby. I'm hoping they will consider an early induction this time around.
  • I'm 39 weeks today and being induced Monday night. I'm getting induced because my hubby is deploying and we want to get more then a few days as a family before he goes.
  • I was induced at 35w5d due to my blood pressure being high even with being on medicine for it. I ended up having to have a csection after 20hrs of labor bc my body wasnt ready. Little man was 6lbs 9oz when he was born.
  • dr wants to induce me next wk ill be 38wks because bby is measuring big and he dosent want me tp have a c section but im nervous
  • edited May 2011
    I was 41 weeks 1 day and vaginally delivered a 7lbs 9oz baby girl :) it was a long induction, almost 21 hours, but I personally liked my induction, especially the predictability of it and there was no rushing to the hospital but im hoping to go on my own early this time. Im 37 weeks this coming Monday! I was induced with my first because I was past my due date and my blood pressure was rising too high once I got past my due date, so it was very safe to induce :)
  • @june2bmommy yay theres hope for me being induced at 38 weeks, is this ur first? And how much bigger are you measuring?
  • @mommyoftwoprincesses I agree I also liked being induced, didnt have my water break in the grocerey store lol (happened to my sister)...its funny cause my due date was april fools day....he definetly fooled is! I ended up being induced april 10 and had him vagionally on april 11th
  • @navybabyonway thats understandable, good luck and enjoy ur lil one :)
  • Yes this will be my first but im scared everyone says when u get induced it hurts more :( my bby is measuring 2wks ahead
  • @misskristin yea im trying to figure out how early they will induce without there being a medical problem ie. High blood pressure etc..
  • @summergirl22 and @mommyoftwoprincesses how were you ladies induced? My doctor said she is using a pill they put near my cervix.

    Anyone have experience with being induced this way?
  • @june2nmommy Im measuring 2 weels big too. I was induced with my first, I think what they mean by that is pitocin causes the contractions to come very close to gether and stronger, which would be more painful, but I didnt need the pitocin till pretty far into labor, at that point I requested the epideral before the pitocin was administered, that way I wasnt in anymore pain then I already worked out because u need an iv for the pitocin and u need it for the edideral as well so they can administer fluids, dont worry to much
  • @navybabyonway yes! Thats exactly how they induced me, its great. Its a gets ur cervix "ripe" as they call it, and tends to start contractions....i was told to come in after dinner, 6pm which they then placed that and by 3am they hooked me up to the monitor and I was having contractions already, although I couldn't feel them...into the next day, like afternoon they broke my water, then I started to feel the contractions, after a few hrs they started to slow down so thats when I was given pitocin and epideral I had him at 7:45 pm that day
  • I was induced with my 2 nd child cause mostly I wanted him out he was causing me a lot of pain I was scheduled to be induced 2 weeks before my duedate but couldn't cause found out the hospital was to full and I couldn't do it till my due date which kinda sucked
  • edited May 2011
    @candy091011 wow thats crazy! What if u actually went into labor or needed to be induced due to health problems? Would they have sent u to a different hospital?
  • @summergirl22 yeah I go in at 11pm Monday night. I've been having contractions and I'm thinned out so hopefully it'll go fast. I'm not dilated yet though.
  • I wasnt dilated at all but I did dilate quickly once I was on the pitocin @navybabyonway
  • @june2bmommy my experience with being induced it did hurt worse cause the contraction are more intense in my experience but everyone's different I'm hoping my third comes easier and when I was induced with my son my labor was only 7 hours thank goodness I was in labor with my daughter for 16 1/2 hours but I wasn't induced and I had to have an epadurale so to diolate with her too
  • I was induced with my first...they thought I was over due but the stupid doc had my due date wrong bc they never gave me an ultrasound...ugh....anyway I had him vaginally after 37 hrs of was long and painful only bc he wasn't ready to be born...I'm measuring 3 wks ahead of what I should b with this baby and he is almost 6 lbs at 32 wks so I have a feelin if I don't go into labor early they will induce me....
  • I will be 39 weeks Sunday and am being induced Monday morning at 12am for medical problems.
  • I was induced with pitocin because I was already dilated to almost 2cm and 80% effaced.
  • I was induced at 41wks I told the drs I wasn't waiting any longer and my son didn't even drop. 12hrs later my fat son lol came out at 8lbs 8.1oz and 22inches lol my command couldn't believe it
  • I am being induced on the 24th at 39weeks because I have high blood pressure the baby weighed 7lbs 9oz at my appointment last Wednesday. I was induced with my first and second babies both births were easy peesey my first only took 45minutes start to finish and I didn't even have time for pain meds.And the second time was only three hours I didn't feel contractions really just the urge to push. My third pregnancy I went into labor on my own but got still on 6cm for hours so they gave me potocin.It was by far my hardest labor but he was almost 10lbs too.
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  • @angieface wow you have had some good experiences! Yea my first was over 9lbs so I'm worried about this one
  • Everyones experiance with induction is different.. I was induced with both of my girls and my first induction was perfect had my daughter 17 Hrs afterwards vaginaly my second was a nightmare! In labor for 13 Hrs and ended up having a c section : ( had 3 epidurals and they all.failed.... it was awful if you can go into labor on your own I would highly recomend it! But either way there is a wonderful prize after giving birth weather its done vaginally or by c section my daughter is 3 wks old today! Born april 23 : ) good luck to you all!
  • @mommyof32011 why did you end up needing a c section? Ur epidurals failed? Was that due to mis placement? Congrats on ur newest edition!
  • I was nine days overdue so the hospital induced me and the pains started almost straight away and were awful so after twenty four hours I opted for the epidural and my son was born seven hours later weighing 8lb 11oz. I personally hated getting induced and only want it as a last resort this time
  • With my boy I was induced because he was 10 days late and had not dropped. Then they started to induce but everytime they gave me a dose of pitocin his heart rate dropped. So I had to have a c section. He was 8lbs 14oz
  • Im hoping I can be induced! Because the hospital is 1 hour and 40 minutes away from my home. And my husband is a coal miner. So if my husband is at work when my water breaks or something... its going to take him an hour or hour and a half just to get home! I stay worried about this lol
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