Induced mommas (who have been or r scheduled to be)



  • I was just over 40 weeks close to 41. I had h1n1 so the quickly induced me because I was so sick n baby was not moving about 8 hours later I had a beautiful baby girl
  • Well I'm sure you've all herd, that being induced can cause you to not bond with ur baby at first, because sometimes the hormone isn't released, I however bonded with my baby instantly, but did any of you actually experience that at first?
  • I was induced-6 days late-w my first. My 2nd.we had the date set to b induced but he came early on his own. My third we were discussing it but she came 2 wks early! My doc said they can't offer to induce more than a week early unless medically necessary. Good luck
  • @summergirl22 my first was induced and he is/always has been a daddy boy. My 2nd 2 came on their own and r mommys babies! My 1st used to cry if I held him "too long" until I put him in his swing or gave him to daddy. We had skin to skin right away and he was really alert but just not my biggest fan lol.
  • @z_mommy_2009 aw that must of been so hard considering it was ur first :( at least u got it with the 2nd and 3rd :)
  • I was induced at 39 weeks exactly due to preeclampsia. Then stopped dilating at 8 cm and had a c section. He was 8ibs 12oz.
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