heartbeat 160!! girl or boy?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Everytime we hear the heartbeat is been 158 or 160. Everyone keeps saying that means its a girl?! But I have adhd so would that make the baby's heart rate faster?!


  • Idk how ADHD would affect the baby but the using the hr to tell the baby's sex has never worked for me... :)
  • @momamar yeah I keep getting girl but I have a feeling its a boy lol I guess we will see if its true in a few weeks!
  • Its a myth. I asked my doctor.
  • I bet it's what you feel it is. I wanted a girl, but felt it was a boy... and it's a boy lol
  • My dr alway told me the baby hr was in little girl range but they were both boys. Lol. So don't count on it. Or should I say don't get your hopes up.
  • My girl's heartbeat was 167
  • My girl was 154
  • My son's heartbeat is always near 160.
  • Some people swear by this method but truth is it is rediculous. I am having a boy and my best friend is having a girl and our babies heartbeats have always been right around the same during the same stages of our pregnancy.
  • girl but all my babies seem to be in that range i have two boys and found out the gender of this one yet.. cant wait though
  • I want a boy so I'm hoping he just has a fast heartbeat lol.
  • my baby girls has always been n the 130's highest was 142. so the myth was wrong for her. she is clearly a girl i've had 3 U/S now.
  • My doctor says this a complete myth.
  • Everyone said I was having a girl by the heart rate because it's always like 170, nope we're having a boy! And yes, go with your gut, I knew he was a boy. I could just feel it.
  • Its just a myth, how r along r u? Wen do u find out the sex
  • im haven a boy an his heart rate is always 150's
  • My baby's heartbeat is always around 160 and I found out its a boy!
  • My baby's heartbeat was always over 160 (still is)... and it's a boy.
  • @mrsthompson34 I am 18 weeks and our ultrasound is june 2nd but I'm hoping the u/s tech at work will do one for me this monday since she was to busy last Monday :(
  • My baby boy's heartbeat is always fast! It's usually around 162 or 158...Lowest it has ever been was 142:) Dr says it just depends on how active baby is when they put the doppler on...Which mine is usually cutting flips:)
  • My baby's heart rate was 158-166 and we are having a boy.
  • Mine was 144 for my girl.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • My girls hb has went from a 160 to a 150.
  • edited May 2011
    Hopefully the doc sees u on monday. I hate waiting lol but if me ur birthdate with month day n yr n ur conception date also n let me predict the gender for u. Wat r u hoping for?
  • My dr said good thing we don't go by heart rate...cuz your lil guy would be a a girl! So my lil guy has a high heart rate!
  • I'm almost 39w prego with a boy n his heartbeat was always around the same as urs.. I wouldn't go by ANY old wise tales ... idk bout the chinese calender tho it said boy n I am having a boy.. could of been coincidental tho lol
  • edited May 2011
    @mrsthompson34 I would like a boy lol. My birthday is November 7, 1986 conception date is Jan. 21 or 22 I can't remember. :/
  • U r on team blue... I tried jan 20 thru the 23rd.. Congrats n update me if im wrong or right. Ive been rite so far. Hope u r getting ur lil boy :)
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