Anterior Placenta

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I found out yesterday at my u/s that my placenta is anterior. Does anyone know if this can cause any problems or not??? The doc that did my u/s didn't really answer me when I asked. I know its harder to feel movemen but is there anything I should worry about?


  • It wont cause any problems for you or Baby. Its just on the opposite side :)
  • Nothin to worry about. I have the same thing. They said it shldnt pose any risk to u or baby. I posted the same discussion a cpl weeks ago an @kerrideern commented with a long discription of it. I'm sure she wldnt mind answerin any questions :)
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  • Thanks ladies, I shouldn't need a c-section cuz this is my 3rd and had the other 2 vaginally, but you never know.
  • I have it midwife said its not a problem :) it just sucks cuz I don't always feel her..
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