What do you dread most about raising your child??

For me its potty training and those teen years. Nothing like a mouthy teenage girl. If she's anything like her mom she will have a lot of mouth and attitude.


  • The sex talk...I was afraid of petty training but my 2 year old son took to it very well so I'm not scared of that anymore...he's 2 and I'm already thinking about how to go about the sex talk and when to do it lol
  • I have two girls and another girl on the way. I'm dreading having three teenage girls in the house at once. Ugh...
  • Teen years ....aaahhhhhhh!!!!!
  • To lose my child to violence
  • I'm worried about ending up a single mum. Np offence to anyone who is the idea just scares me. Me n bd have an amazing relationship but you never know what the future may bring.
  • That he will hate me :-S
  • @kalasthename I don't mind the talk. My bf already said he wants to do it but he's one of those blunt, brutally honest type people. I'm think he may scare her. If it were a boy I would let him. I feel like because its a girl I should do it......then again maybe the scare tactic is what girls need. Lol. Worked for me. My dad had me scared shitless and I was an angel til I turned 16. Lol.
  • Def the teen years. If she has anything close to my attitude im in trouble :-ss
  • Im definitely dreading having a teenage girl! I know karmas coming for me for how I treated my mom. I was a living terror and I'm sure my daughter will be the same. God help me [-O<
  • Im worried about him getting sick and late night trips to the er for them to tell me some bs prognosis...
  • @excitedforoctober All kids hate their parent at some point. I think I was about 15 when I was convinced my Mom was the devil reincarnate. Now she's my best friend.
  • @mommyofesha Woooo girl! Goodluck with that.

    @praying4our3rd That's so true. You can try and protect them but so many other parent don't bother. Then your child ends up learning what your not ready for them to know from those kids.

    @bundledbeauties That's alway in your mind. Makes you wanna lock them up and throw away the key. I especially worry for boys. Not that girls can't fall victim. It just seems like boys are more vulnerable in that sense.
  • Yea and I'm having my second boy. They r 4 years apart. I jus pray and leave it with God.
  • edited May 2011
    I'm afraid of being a bad mommy and not having enough patience :( and I'm afraid that I won't even out the visitation with my babys father well I'm just afraid of it all really... I see how hard my sister tries to be a good mom but I can't help but think she's so mean to them or needs more patience I don't want to be the same way...
  • This is my first kid & its a boy;) & I'm scared when it comes to him being a teenager & am hoping he's not a total horndog :( & teaching him to practice safe sex.lol.
  • @praying4our3rd Lol! I know what you mean. A lot of parents give in cause they don't want to seem old or they think their kid will be teased. I for on could care less. My bf on the other hand probably would have gone out and bought the ipod. Its hard to find the balance between keeping your child age appropriate but not being to old school. BTW, I agree 4 is way to young for an ipod.
  • teenage hormones ugh scary
  • I'm worried about fast little girls and having to deal with my son getting pressured by his peers to smoke drink do drugs have sex...... Omg I pray he is like me and holds on to his virginity til he is out of high school. Kids are getting pregnant to quickly nowadays that freaks me out
  • Same. Potty training and teen years. My son will be 5 soon. It took me months to train him completely, he was so lazy and if he's anything like his daddy, I will get my gray hairs soon. He's already acting like a teen. Haha
  • @charliebby1116 I haven't exactly mastered the art of patience myself. I find myself getting easily annoyed with my friends kids and wonder how I'm going to deal with my own.
  • @mommys1stbundle same here I have three nephews and I'll have some patience with them but it runs out shortly my mom says once you have your own children it'll change I just hope that's true ..
  • Omg @praying4our3rd i toootally agree!!! Im only 21 but im very old fashioned lol i had a huuge argument with my prenatal class the other day because i said i waited till i was 18 to have sex and they said thats unrealistic and too much to ask. Whaat!! I have a 21 year old best friend and she still is. I hate that every 7 year old has a cell phone and very little imagination outside of whats cool on tv or how many leople they can kill on their video game. I so cherish the times i spent outside getting dirty with my brothers or playing house with my neighbors. Its becoming impossible to just let kids be kids. I commend you for being strict on the tv watching and all!! That is how i hope to be
  • I'm scared she might end up like me skipping school being a total ho and getting married at17 and having a baby 9 months later and no it wasn't a shot gun marriage I was just skipping school and my dad gave a 17 year old an ultimatum to either move in with him or get married the next day so I got married and got preggo the next week oh p.s. when I told my husband of a month I was he asked if it was his the nerve of some people uuuuggghhhh so yea I really don't want her to end up like me
  • My fear is raising them in a world thst has changed so much in the 20 years since I was little. Its not safe to let ur kids out of ur sight these days. 9 yearold kids convicted of premeditated murder because they wanted to know what it was like to kill someone. When I was little we roamed the neighborhood, went to the ballpark and all we had to worry about was our check in times and being home when it got dark.
  • I agree with @praying4our3rd kids loosing their innocense too soon.

    I also dread the hard family questions- my dad was in prison, I had my son @ 16 my mom isnt in any of my childhood photos, all the remarriages. Teaching that people make bad choices it doesn't make em a bad person
  • @2SEIFER12211 We're going to have some family stuff to explain as well. I have an uncle and a cousin in jail now. My little cousins are taught that they're on vacation. My little cousin will sometimes say "Uncle sure has been on vacation for a longtime. Wish I could go with him". Its funny and sad at the same time. My bf did some time when he was younger as well (although you would never know it today). We both have plenty of friends and family who live "alternate" lifestyles. Im not going to cut them off just because I dont want my kid to follow theyre path. I dont believe in keeping family secrets. My bf and I both agree to try and be as up front as possible. Its just going to be hard to only tell them what they need to know for their age.
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