weight gain for thick ladies!



  • @sexymommyof2 I couldn't imagine!!!! ahh I'm dunn being preggo for a while!!! till I'm married!! :) .. ya this is my first :) .. how far along r u again?
  • @thehumancrockpot thata silly!! haha. dangg thata early!! I was 6w... how tall r u? I'm 5:7....
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  • @naliibby2 I'm 37 weeks due june 9th
  • 215, and 221 at 25 weeks!!!! :)
  • 265 pre pregnancy....now I'm 256 @ 15 weeks. I sooo can't wait to have this baby bc I'm loosin everything!
  • 150 prepregnancy and 146 at 25 wks I have had trouble gaining but you couldn't tell by looking at me cause my belly has popped out and.looks way bigger then before idk??
  • @tbaby2011 weirdd how that works!! huh!
  • Started out at 228 now I'm down to 212 at 30 weeks... Every time I gain a little I lose within a month I hope I don't blow up in the next couple weeks
  • I was 187 before this baby and I m 21 weeks and weigh 182. But I put all my baby weight on after I had my daughter last pregnancy so hope I don't do that this time
  • edited May 2011
    I feel like an elephant seal now lol
  • 176 pre-pregnancy and at 19w I'm 185
  • 195 pre-pregnancy 20wks & I have gained 2lbs stomach is huge though. I wanna get back to my pre-pre-pre-pregnancy weight which was 150 b4 I had my 1st child
  • I was at 200 @ 6weeks n now im 21 weeks at 210
  • @melodya aww u should do other healthier ways :) exercising n working outt n breastfeeding ;))) dnt mess up ya teeth!!! yuckyy!! u can do itt !!
  • @mommyof2soon3 that's my goal too after bby 150 :))) I haven't been that since like 9 grade! lol ..
  • I was 216 pre pregnancy now I'm at 228 at 27w6d. Thanks for putting this up it makes me feel better seeing other women the same as me.
  • Pre-pregnancy weight I was 265 and I'm 17wks 5d and I just had my appt two days ago and my weight was 249.. doc says its fine because in the 3rd trmstr ill gain most of it back
  • @tracieleanna20 aww no prob lovee!! didn't think it would get so many hits :)) glad it did. :)
  • I was 269 and now somewhere around 250 ish I have been fluctuating a lot and I'm 20 weeks 4 days
  • I was 172 pre pregnancy at my last appt 25wks i ws 192....smh but wen everyone guessed they gt it wrng bcus they never guessed over 172 lol..
  • 150 is my goal weight too after birth! Im going to work my butt off
  • 180 pre-pregnancy (fit & muscular). Now 194; I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow. This is my third baby. Gained much more weight with my first two!
  • I lost a total of 25 pounds with my 1st little girl but gained 5 back the last 2 weeks before birth. She was and still is healthy. This time I lost 10 pounds in my first trimester and I've only gained 1 pound back and my doctor seems happy that I am maintaining my weight. This baby is measuring bigger than my first so what I eat goes to my baby girl. :)
  • O and I am 30 weeks
  • My goal weight is around 150 b4 my daughter I was 137 & honestly I hated neing tht small I.love being a thickums & my hubby loves it to tht why im pregnant again & my daughter is only 21months
  • I weighed 112 before and im and im 120 now and 20 weeks!
  • I weighed 238ish pre pregnancy now 240ish 20 weeks 4 days (my weight has always fluctuated about 5 pounds either way but before I got pregnant I had never seen more then 239 but most the time 235 - 238 now its been 240 the last 3 appts) I go Tuesday hope I haven't gained much! I think I might be 243 now that's what my home scale says but idk if its right lol
  • @loveleebby ya I'm scarred bout this 3rd trimester weight gain.. ; / ..
  • @supermom405 yaa I never wanna b skinny!! yuckk!! mee n mii manz lovee mii thighs n ass haha juss wann work on the toning & flatten dis tummy!! ha!!
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