has anyone ever had their baby on their actual due date??

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Or is the due date just an estimated time of arrival? Lol


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  • Okay! Im due April 25th and I'm becoming impatient lol also, how did you upload your pic??
  • I had my son on the exact day I was due... kinda awesome...lol
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  • edited February 2011
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  • I was born on my actual due date. Oct 16th at 11:58PM
  • I had my son on 08/09/08 at 15 minutes to 12. His due date was the 10th!
  • I had my first one exactly on my due date. Well let me clarify I went into labor on my due date. August 31st. I told my doctor not to come into my room until 12am aka sept.1st. Bc I didn't want an aug. Baby lol the doctor laughed and walked out. He came back in at 12:01 and said alright are we ready. I had her ar 12:30am on sept.1st.
  • My first was overdue by 12 days but my second arrived on her due date. The midwifes thought I was lying as she was due that day lol. She came out in no time x x
  • I went into labor on my due date with my second one. My first was a week late. My third a week early. Im hoping this one is a week early too.
  • my first was 24 mins b4 date my second was day after also curious what this 1 will bring
  • My nephew was born on his due date. He's the only one I konow personally who was. it was very exciting, tho. My sister went into labor at 4 and had him 12 hours later. He was her first, and it was pretty much text book.
  • My baby sister just had her first on the due date. :) It was so weird! Lol.
  • My son was born just 2 days after due date.
  • Yes I was due the 5 th of march n I went in on the forth n my little girl was born at 1256am
  • YUP! I had mine the exact due date, went into labor the day before.
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