vanity, vanity....

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so I wonder if I'm the only one in this boat? I see pictures of new mothers and they are exhausted and look haggard and awful in every picture. In my vanity not to look awful I put makeup on while I'm in labor and do touchups before pictures. My reasoning is I'll see these pictures for the rest of my life and don't want to look awful. Am I alone?


  • I'm going to try not to look awful, ill def take foundation. I have slight acne scars and if I get pics taken with a big pimple I will be bummed. At the same time I'm going natural so I may be in so much pain I won't care
  • Eh, its a part of labor that may not be prerty persay, but what came out of it in the end was a beautiful thing. Annnd, 99% of women don't care at that moment.
  • Nope! I got my mac makeup artist seneca on call the weeks before and after my due

    I refuse to look a mess.
  • My makeup is definitely coming with me! Lol I am a makeup junky though.
  • @mscheyla. Im definantly going natural all the way even hoping for a waterbirth. I have naturally wavy/curly hair and even twirled my hair in between contractions so I didn't have crazy hair going on lol
  • Having a csection so i should be able to look my best.. Except if I cry.. Then im going to have black streaks down my face..
  • Lol..geez I never thought about that...I don't know if I'll be putting on makeup but the hair will def be done.
  • Waterproof! Pregnant in heels anyone?
  • You're not alone! Those pictures are precious and so it is OK to want to look as best as you can and not haggard. I plan to do the same (but not too extreme, ha ha).
  • @liloneontheway. I'm with ya on the natural look just not looking like I look with no makeup
  • @blissmarie23 I say do what makes you feel fabulous on that great day. On a side note, one of my friends gave birth and in her photos, she looked like nothing happened. She didn't have on makeup or anything, she just looked radiant. So envious! I am positive I will look like a re-enactment of the exorcist. I plan to have a natural birth - no pain meds - should be interesting, ha!
  • I say screw worrying about the makeup, edit the pics! ;) you'll be too tired to touch up more than likely. Just make sure your hair isn't everywhere and you're good to go!
  • @liloneontheway. I have a friend who had a homebirth and she was beautiful. So calm and joyful looking. She was just beautiful and her baby looked amazing too even though she had just been born. My daughter was bright red and almost 10 lbs so she looked like red sumo wrestler and I looked tired by 10 o'clock that night lol
  • ha ha @maranda3 good point - I know people that are designers and amazing with photoshop ;)
  • @blissmarie23 I like the red sumo wrestler analogy. Well, at least you have past experience so you'll know what to do this time around. I'm sure you'll look great and full of bliss!
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