how long can they be in a bassinett..?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I want to get a graco pack and play that has a bassinett that fits on the top of it. I am having a hard time determining the weight or age limit on its use. Does any one know how long the babe can sleep in a bassinett safely? Thanks ladies!


  • I usually do until baby learns too roll.
  • @ghettobetty. Im a first timer..about when do they do that lol?
  • Early as 3m depends on ur baby... when the time is right u'll know
  • Ok..thanks :) just second guessing everything I suppose. I'm due september 6 and I just feel so un prepared sometimes. Had a dream last night that I couldn't figure out how to breast feed. It sounds silly now but it was a feeling of panic and fear..she was so upset and crying and I couldn't help her. I just kept fumbling her around like a 4th string quarterback who just took up the sport lol. Any way..thanks for the input :)
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  • I was always under the impression weight limit was 15-20 pounds..some babies get there real fast
  • We used the basinette in our graco pack n play until my first son slept thru the night and moved to his crib and own bedroom. He was just over 2 months old and he weighed 15-18 pounds but couldn't turn over yet.
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  • Yes 3 or 4 months :) as soon as baby starts rolling time for crib :)
  • Thanks ladies!
  • edited May 2011
    Im pretty sure the weight limit is actually 15lbs on the pack n play. Thats the reason I decided against getting one and decided to spend a tad more on a convertible crib that will last 3-4 years. I also got a little co-sleeper for a decent price at target that I'll use for the first couple months.
  • The weight limit on the bassinette part of the pack n play is 15 lbs. So you can use it until 15 lbs or they start to roll. After that, you can use the bottom. I had a Kolkraft bassinette last time and it also had a 15 lb weight limit.
  • @momtob OMG I had the same dream, it was horrible. Don't worry i was so scared that I wouldn't be able to breastfeed. The best thing you can do is relax. And DON'T GIVE UP the first week. If you need any advice or have any questions I am knowledgeable and am always here to help.
  • my bassinette has ab weight guide on it, my first son had to be moved out really earlylo fatty but seconde was bout 5yr months
  • They say to about 3. Months but ull know what ur baby prefers and when its time. My son actually barely used his. He slept in his swing always Haha! :)
  • @rockinmomma that's a good idea to do it that way! I plan on getting a convertable crib too (there's some really nice ones out there and its such a great idea). I think were going to have to wait to buy it tho, that's why I wondered how long this pack and play device would last lol! Thanks for the input :)
    @krazymomofadrian omg at least I'm not the only one! It was an aweful dream! Thanks for the advice about not giving up the first week and for being there to answer questions :) I have a breast feeding counsler through wic and the hospital has a lactation specialist (I didn't know that was a job till just a few weeks ago lol) and I was told she will be availavle after I deliver if I need some help. I'm trying to feel like when the time comes I will have the help and support I need, but at times I still get scared. Thanks for making me feel not so crazy about the dream lol!
    @bummy87 wow..5 months is a while! I hope mine to use it that long cause that would give us time to save for the crib we want :)
    Novmthumper11 that's so cute he liked the swing so much!I have a friend who son was the same way and she told me, when setting up the registry and picking what items we want, to be sure to get a swing that plugs into the wall. I guess she got a battery only one and it went through batteries like crazy..her poor hubby was always running out for them at 3 am lol :)
    Thanks you all for your stories and advice! Love my pregly family :)
  • No problem my mom is awesome but she didn't understand that I was terrified that something would happen and I couldn't breastfeed. The brest thing you can do is relax and good you have a lactation consultant. Support is a blessing too. I will probably still be on here to give advice to anyone who needs it.
  • I def plan on finding a plug one this time lol same thing happened to me about the batteries lol :)
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