Has anyone been told that they are carrying internally? Im almost 7 months but I look at most 3 months...am I the only one? Help? Where is the huge bump?lol
Im 34wks and could pass for less than 20wks. My dr told me it was because I have an anterior placenta. Never mentioned anything about carrying internally
I've never heard of this BuT I've had two big babies and when I lay down flat I don't even look preg, I'm talking at like 40 wks, and same with this one too, I'm 28 weeks and when I lay down, I no longer have any type of "bump" idk tho.........
I agree its very aggravating. I just had my baby shower and all my friends and family kept asking where she was hiding and telling me how huge they were at 8 1/2 months. I was annoyed for sure.
@mama_underpants I never knew a woman could carry a baby internally but last docs visit she said thats exactly whats happening:( instead of popping out my lo is staying way in there...first baby and im 5foot9"....tummy is round but nada lol glad to hear im not the only one when is your dd?
@rockinmomma smh went to ohs family reunion yesterday and got called tiny...ive gained 30lbs lmao ridiculousness.....always thought being pregnant included a big cute tummy guess I thought wrong....
@tiff87124 that makes more sense than the internal explanation I had from my doc. One thing im curious about is labor people have said the way im carrying will make l&d easier...how did your friends go?
@mama_underpants...congratz!! Boy or girl? Yay for august mommies:) im the 23rd... Next appt. I will be asking about anterior placenta and a new u.s to check everything out.
@kennedymonroe11 I'm having a girl. Hbu? And yay for august mamas is right! Its fast approaching. And honestly sometimes if you do have the anterior placenta, they mightve not even told u, so they may already know if you have one.....good luck mama!
This is my 3rd and I thought for sure I would be huge already, 22 wks tomorrow, but where my uterus is feels like its not popping out. I also have an anterior placenta, which I don't think I had with my first two.