Cause and effect has no reason for rude and hateful or distasteful comments towards anyone. So at this point trying to shed light on your comments isnt worth any effort. You didnt have to call me a bitch for your comments pretty much mean the same thing. And I said nothing out of this WORLD for anyone to jump at me in that way. But I did state my post WITHOUT thinking about how others would feel.
Ummm honey when u hve had 2mcs in a row like i have, and not being able to cncieve for a year it is concerning, and ths post didnt make me sad it aktually snded pritty ignorant... sry. And also i pray to god u never go trough ths urself, its very dpressing.... and its our feelings we are not here for people to feel sry for us, but to share, and incourage others to not gve for me it took keeping track of ovulation and taking fertalaid pills <<<<thats why people research and go to docs....if u unsuccesfully dnt get pregnate for a year, they cncider u have fertility problems.&once again i hpe u never go trough ths.
And could of said things a little different so that i wouldnt hurt anyone. Yes my account is new, and no it doesnt mean i should use that as excuse as to why it may have come off the way it did, but now I know i should state my posts with more thought. YES countless posts about the same thing SO I QUESTIONED IT so be it. Move on.
As for everyone else. Really.... have a great day girls and good luck.
@rawksy see there we go.. basically i can tell you that women have sex with men, the sperm can implant itself and pregnancy occurs. I know technically more happens and the more i read about women trying to concieve the harder i realize it is for people to have babies when they want them so bad. Kinda makes me feel ignorant, but I do take what is told to me in this forum to heart, and I really feel for some of these women. I even offered to be a surragote mother to a friend of mine who is trying to concieve, but my medical issues with being pregnant are going to keep me from doing that.
As I said I wish all you women the best and hope things work out for you all
@BUMBY2011 YEAH UR RIGHT ON DAT ONE, stating wth more thought. Im glad u recognize it sounds wrong...... have a gr8 day hun....hpe u dnt feel attacked, but like u said u stated wrong, and thats how we took it.
@praying4our3rd I get so anxious and excited for everyone here I have been more worried about my family in Joplin than testing, but this post just made me want my bfp so much more!
I honestly hope you never have problems ttc. It can be one of the most heartbreaking times of a women's life. With my 4 year old I got pregnant "by accident" went on depo after he was born then decided to stop when he was two thinking it would be just as easy to get pregnant this time around. It took us 2 years to get pregnant and certainly not for a lack of "just have sex and it will happen). Every month af showed up or I got a bfn I would sit in the bathroom and cry. I would continuously blame myself wondering why I was "broken" and I was terrified that I would never be blessed with another child. Thankfully God did bless us with another child but it took 2 very long heartbreaking years for that to happen. Whereas I do understand and respect differences of opinion, I also think those who have never been in this situation need to take a step back and think if this were to happen to you, how would you feel? Would you really want someone saying they just couldn't understand why you feel the need to try for a baby? Sometimes one's opinions are better left to one's self.
Also I would like to commend @praying4our3rd and all others ttc for your strength and bravery. You are truly wonderful ladies who deserve (as much if not more than the rest of us) to blessed with a bundle of joy. Good luck and lots of baby dust to you all.
I understand that u say women should just get on with life and just don't dress it but..... it took me and my husband 7 years to conceive again we tried everything well everything natural counting, taking temps, and just plain old having sex then we found out I have pcos it means Polly cystic ovarian syndrome it means that cysts take over my ovarys and I don't have periods unless I take a medication called metformin it makes you so sick to your stomach I already have ibs and so this made things worse fir me anyway I tried the meds for two years and was sick almost the whole time so I took myself off the meds then my sisters friend who has the same problem ended up pregnant she took provera and clomid and ended up pregnant in about 6-7 months so I talked to my doctor about it I wasn't expecting anything but it just so happens that we got pregnant on the first cycle extremely lucky so for years I was disappointed and so when I tested this one I was counting on a negative it is very hard to feel that disappointment all the time so it takes allot for some of us to conceive and I hope u can get past this thought you have with a better outlook once this is over good luck
@praying4our3rd... YES! THAT'S ME!! but back then I was heavy with the "business in the front, party in the back" hair-do! I've cleaned up since then... lol
@praying4our3rd... I remember you! We used to call you "v for venereal"... behind your back of course... u were one ruthless biatch! I still have nightmares about what you did to that girl in the shower... the one time you used it...
@praying4our3rd.. LMAO!!! Gross.. well im glad you finally got out! Sucks for me, ever since I got out I've had to sleep with a tray of assorted aged cheese in my bed... thanks.
As for everyone else. Really.... have a great day girls and good luck.
As I said I wish all you women the best and hope things work out for you all
Also I would like to commend @praying4our3rd and all others ttc for your strength and bravery. You are truly wonderful ladies who deserve (as much if not more than the rest of us) to blessed with a bundle of joy. Good luck and lots of baby dust to you all.