Absolutely "NO" Tubeligations at my hospital!!!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So I had my 33 week OB appt this morning and this time I had a list of questions for my doctor "I should have asked" months ago!

Me: Dr Streeter, will you tie my tubes at delivery

Dr Streeter: (After giggling) Ummm nope! (Giving me a silly look)

Me: Why not?

Dr Streeter: You do realize that St Joseph is a Catholic Hospital

Me: Yes, during the Labor and Delivery tour I saw the church that was near the gift shop amoung all the crosses on the wall.

Dr Streeter: Well they dont allow Tubeligations, Circumcisions and many other surgeries.

Me: Oh Hell No! You need to tie these tubes.. this is baby #4, we're done!!

Dr Streeter: (After giggling) Well I did tell you I deliver at 3 different hospitals and you picked the high sidity, newly remodeled one, with private suites... so you'll have to wait until your 6 week check-up and have it done at outpatient surgery..

Me: WTH... this is some Bull Crap Here! LOL


  • Haha that is funny but incredibly stupid. They want you to become like the duggers lol.
  • Lol! I'm tying mine too. #4 also. That sux bc you are healed after 6w just to feel bad all over again :( u thinking about switching hospitals now?
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  • @ynvtish same w my dr except they wont even discuss tuballigation UNTIL 6 week check up. :(
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  • Lmao! That's true, I really hate that
  • edited May 2011
    @Jaime77 ... I really love this hospital. They have private suites and in your bedroom theres a bed for both the mommy and daddy. They feed and care for both of us and really make the father feel apart of the entire delivery and recovery. Flat Screen TV's, DVD player and private bathrooms and you can even keep your door closed the entire time. Even in the delivery suites, they encourage the father to labor with you the entire time. The have them get in with you in your shower and in your tub while laboring. They have extra wide beds so that the father can lay with you while laboring as well. The Labor and delivery rooms are fully equiped to provide for your baby instead of going to the NICCU. Your recovery room has a incerbator and machines available just incase your baby needs NICCU attention, but the baby can remain their with you. Its one of the best NICCU hospitals in California... a lot of mothers are air dropped in at this hospital from others when the need extra NICCU attention..

    @cetheridge ... my doctor said the same thing. He will schedule me at the 6 week check-up but after the babies 6 week check up as well. He likes to wait until the baby is totally healthy. My Dr is 72 years old.. the best in the county. He said he's seem mothers get their tubes tide and their baby had a lot of complications and didnt survive and the mothers wished they could have another child. So 20 years ago he started waiting until the 6 week check up. He's been a OB Dr for 42 years.

    @bri2186 ... I'm from Fresno, CA... Raised in The Bay Area since I was 7 years old and moved to Stockton, CA (Near Sacramento) after getting married in 2001. Where are you from?

    @tiff87124 ... You're probably right! I know with my first 4 kids it seemed like my insides were flipped inside out after delivery. I'm sure I can use my 6 weeks to heal up.. but @Jaime77 does have a point, if I'm gonna already feel like crap at delivery.. you might as well finish me off. No need to kill me AGAIN 6 weeks later... LOL

    @KrazymomofAdrian ... I refuse to be barefoot and pregnant my entire life! LOL
  • Haha me to I only want one more and iy better be a boy. I refuse to have more than 3 children.
  • I'm having my baby at the St Joseph east in Kentucky. I love it there but I'm glad I'm not looking for tying my tubes or circumcision for my boy. Sucks though, but look at it this way, you'll have a nice 6 weeks with your baby :).
  • This is my first, i'm not married, and I don't satisfy the age limit to legally get my tubes tied. I'm delivering at a Catholic hospital as well so they wouldn't do it anyway. My cousin avoided having her last baby there last year for that reason. Her friend had her baby there, but had to go somewhere else to get her tubes tied. Its a great hospital. Despite the fact that's its in busy downtown and we have to pay for parking I still choose to deliver there. Hey, they may not tie tubes but they do have the singing Nun that goes from room to room. Lol.
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  • @YNVTish its funny I had my son 11 years ago at St. Josephs and also had Dr. Streeter. I wanted my tubes tied, but like you said its a catholic hospital. So 11 years later I will be delivering there again, but will be having the essure procedure done in my doctors office. Good luck with everything :-)
  • woa now, back up, can you switch hospitals now? i mean, you haven't had the baby yet! there are lots of catholic hospitals here in my state and i think only one has rules of such.
  • I'm not sure where you live but I'm in MI & I delivered my first 2 at the St. Joes hospital here. I wish ours was as nice as yours is. I know they won't tie your tubes but my son was curcumcised the day after he was born. I hate that hospital, rude staff & the rooms are so small. I wasn't even in the hospital 24 hours before I was discharged cuz I hated it so much. I changed Dr.s & hospitals.
  • Im delivering at st joes in nh and they are the exact same. So I will need to go to the other hospital in the city and get it done. My drs is gonna refer me to someone before I deliver.
  • @virgomamaof2 ... lol you had doctored Streeter too.. 11 years ago.

    He's like 72, can barely hear but really knows his stuff. His wife delivers babys still too.
  • Hey IM in stkn! Had my 1st at St Joe's in 05.. now i got Kaiser, delivered #2 and will deliver #3 at Kaiser in Modesto .. small world!!!
  • lucky. i was told the hospital im delivering at you have to share a recovery room so therefore your baby cant sleep in the room with you. (which is actually fine with me, bceause i was so excited when i had my son i didnt sleep not 5 min that night and went home worn out) but still sharing a recovery room??? ugh. its 2011. upgrade please...
  • edited May 2011
    @awhaley28540 Oh hell no! There's no way I could share room. I would feel bad for the other person having to endure my family and friends visiting. They can be an obnoxious bunch.
  • lmao... i kinda wish my family would be here. mine are pretty annoying too. then maybe she would request to be moved.. haha. but we are stationed 12 hrs away. so maybe just my mom will show up.. but i will ask her to be th emost obnoxious person in the world. idk how im gonna deal with having other people in there, that are not my family. stupid tricare. cant just pick any hospital...
  • My hospital is a catholic hospital also and will not tie your tubes. I think all catholic hospital goes by this rule, right? You can ask if you can deliver at a different hospital and they'll do it there.
  • @Ace_baber_3 ..I had kaiser with my last child and delivered at Dameron... Modesto was to far for me. I HATED DAMERON... they didn't even administer epiderals at the time. I had to get some pain meds they put in your IV and that made your entire body itchy. I felt like a crack head itching everywhere. By the time I went home my skin had dry patches every where.
  • I'm in the bay area too. i'll be delivering at kaiser
  • @Jesse510 .. I'm actually from San Jose (bay area) well really silicon valley.
  • Lol, that's funny. I love that your doctor was laughing at you for not asking sooner--docs with a sense of humor are the best. :) That sucks that you have to wait, but it will probably make healing much easier from both procedures. My sister had her tubes tied after her second c-section and she said she was in considerably more pain afterward than she had been with her first c-section. My hospital definitely allows tubal ligations, but I'm considering waiting as well.
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