When did you announce your pregnancy?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
When did you announce your pregnancy? What factors did you consider when choosing? Has anything kept you from announcing it til you had to?

I'm due with our 4th child Sept 30th (also my birthday). I think we are going to wait til we find out what it is to announce. My husband and I have had some rough patches, and I'm afraid this pregnancy is going to push my family farther away from me then they are. I know it shouldn't matter what they think, I am happy about this baby and so is he. I just wish my family could be happy for me, help me celebrate this new little life. I guess I'm putting it off cuz I want to enjoy this while I can. Ugh!

I also have a couple friends that are due abt a month before me. And unfortunately they r the kinda girls I'm afraid will think I'm trying to "steal their thunder" Instead of being happy for me, as I am happy for them. Have any of you ever felt that way?

Thanks for reading :)


  • I felt the same way. My husband and I have had.a rough year and I knew no one would be too excited when I told them that we're having our third baby. I wanted to wait for the same reason as you. Sure enough when we told everyone, they werent too happy for us. My mom didnt say congrats until a week later. When I told my brother he said 'WHY?!' At first I was upset but I realized its not their lives or their baby. I owe it to this baby to be excited and not let anyone ruin that for us.

    Dont let your family or friends ruin the excitement for you. They will come around. Good luck and CONGRATS!! Im excited for you!!! =)
  • I'm due august 24th! We already told our family but we're waiting to tell the rest of the world about our new baby until Friday which is my ultrasound. :).. our last pregnancy was ectopic and of course we lost the baby so we decided this time to wait til we're sure that there's a baby in there in the right spot so that way we can all celebrate.. I had an ultrasound at 8wks and there was a baby and a heartbeat but it was a quickie u/s just bc my 5yr old was there and was upset we couldn't hear the heartbeat
  • Oh wow I'm so sorry for your loss hun :( I didn't tell anyone abt my first til I was 4 months, 2nd abt the same, and 3rd abt 13 weeks.
  • @mommmyx3 I'm sorry your dealing with that too, but its nice to know I'm not alone. that is exactly what I can hear my brother saying. "why?" Ugh! You are right though, way to stay positive! It sucks not having family support :(

    @lily sorry for your loss too hun. I hope all goes well with this one :)
    How far along will you be Friday?
  • Well I had no real choice but to tell my close family and even my co workers when I found out. I was scheduled to go in for surgery on my hand so I was scheduled to be off work for atleast 2 weeks. But when I went in for surgery the doctor had to give me a pregnancy test before he could do anything (I didn't have a clue I was pregnant) the doctor came back with the results and told me he couldn't operate. CONGRATULATIONS YOUR HAVING A BABY....I was in shock. I ended up having to go back to work 3 days later and explain to everyone why I was back so soon with nothing done with my hand. Haha I actually find it amusing as to the way I found out. Like I said I had no clue I was pregnant and when I went for my surgery I was 4 weeks 2 days pregnant and had my first ultrasound and 6 weeks 6 days. I was late for my af but I originally blamed it on being stressed about the surgery.
  • It's my first pregnancy n I waited till the second trimester to announce
  • I'm on my 3rd baby and am just over the 8 week mark. Not told anyone apart from daddy of course. We are waiting until after the first scan to make sure all is ok before announcing. I was like you with my first two (different daddy to this lil one) and didn't get a good reaction from my mum either but, think it may have been down to the father (youngest is now 8) hoping so anyway! Still nervous about telling her this time because I'm so happy with falling pregnant but, will hate it if she reacts badly. Think the best way is to be strong and as long as your little family unit is happy then that's all that should matter. Families should be supportive of your decisions...even if they don't necessarily agree with them -in my eyes. Surround yourself with those who are happy for you ;-)
  • I waited until 11 wks to tell the family because we had a previous miscarriage and my sister in law had a baby the month prior so we thought it would be a good idea to let her have a few weeks in the spotlight and to make sure everything was fine with our baby. When we told then though it seemed as though they weren't that excited for us. Probably because we got pregnant soon after I was almost suicidal for having a miscarriage just two months prior and they didn't know what to say. But I've been happy since I found out last august and I can't wait for may to roll around
  • Friday I'll be 12wks 2 days so it'll actually look like a baby and not just a little bean
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